Rich in AZ
Still new to the board and when I did some queries - didnt see too much so I figure I would add. I have some kind of issue on my PWC with getting more water in the hull than I believe should be there. Probably carbon ring but I just got this 2013 GTI 155 SE used with only 72 hours on it I dont know how to really troubleshoot yet. But... I DO know that a bilge pump takes care of the water sooo, I added one. I went with the Rule LoPro 900 GPH model as it sits pretty flat and supports both manual and automatic modes. Purchased a standard 3/4 tubing kit and a black 3/4 "through the hull fitting" and mounted it just behind where the passenger sits as high up as I can. I didnt do a 90 degree angle as I believe the flow is better straight in. To mount the pump, I used "JB Weld epoxy for fiberglass" and only put it on the middle body of the pump where the mounting screw tabs are because then I can still pull the front filter assy off and 1/4 turn the actual motor assembly off. I wired the pump from the battery, through a 7.5A waterproof inline fuse and ran to the switch and motor, soldered and sealed all joints and enclosed them in plastic conduit. For the switch, I decided not to put it into the glove compartment area as they slope backwards and would make it hard to see plus, the switch I used is waterproof and has a built in circuit breaker for added protection.
I ran the waverunner hard this past weekend on the water and did many jumps and hard slams and the JB weld holds tight. With the switch external, I can pull it up to the floating dock, hit the switch and it pumps out really well while I am tying up. Yes - I DO need to find where I am getting water in and actually fix the problem but I feel soo much better having a good
solution. Here are pics of the installation.

I ran the waverunner hard this past weekend on the water and did many jumps and hard slams and the JB weld holds tight. With the switch external, I can pull it up to the floating dock, hit the switch and it pumps out really well while I am tying up. Yes - I DO need to find where I am getting water in and actually fix the problem but I feel soo much better having a good
solution. Here are pics of the installation.