info center testing????

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Is it possible to test the info center before purchasing a new one. I have 2 96 seadoos a GSX and a GTX, both info centers appear to be dead. Is there anything I should check before I spend the money for 2 new ones. And can anyone point me in a good direction as to where I could purchase these items if I do need to get new ones. Thanks in advance for the help.
You can put power on it to see if it turns on. BUT... they do get wet inside, and die.

Your best bet is eBay for a replacement. Expect to pay $45 to $70 for one depending on it's condition.

If it’s a 2” info gauge, I may have one at my shop. If I do, I’ll shoot you a PM, and give you a good price.
I have found some threads about repairing sun damaged info centers on the forum. The fuel light on the info center seems to work as advertised but the LCD display is crinkled and buckled from the sun. If that is damaged could that be why I am not able to see the gauge working. Can I take it apart and remove that film and put power to the gauge and see if it functions. Or would I need to replace that film to see the display.
I believe when a info center looks browned and wrinkled its done. I have a 96 GSX with a browned out info center and was courious to see if it can be repaired. I took it apart down to the circuit board and the LCD screen was toast. Time to replace the whole guage. Or convert the guage hole to hold a cup holder for my brew. Question... Can the GSX run with no problems without the info guage hooked up??????
I was wrong

My info guage on the 96' GSX just had the polarize film burned. I searched this forum but could not find the post on repairing the guage. What I need is a place to get the polarize film. Can anyone help.

Thanks Mike
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