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Im new, please have mercy on me.

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So i purchased two jet skis to try and enjoy the summer with, i took them out today for the first time. my 97 seadoo bombardier is a little difficult to start, it cranks a while then fires up but it wants to stall unless i keep on the throttle for a minute, once its running it idles fine. now when i go to accelerate it will die out 50% of the time, the other 50% it runs and flies perfect. are these two problems related and is it just dirty air cleaners or bad plugs, i am a very knowledgable mechanic for cars but this is my first experiance with jet skis and any help would be greatly appreciated. but for the most part it ran fine today just sluggish at certain times.
start by leaning out the low speed screws a bit. Maybe a 1/4 turn.

You may need a carb clean and rebuild, but the 1/4-1/2 turn lean may solve the problem. For the short term.

And if it has grey fuel lines, replace them with Black fuel lines.
I think a carb rebuild may be due none the less. I suggest as when I always buy something used I almost always install new spark plugs, replace the fuel filter(s). Try turning your fuel selector switch to reserve and see if that helps, I agree that if the grey fuel lines are on there you need to replace them and on that same note then rebuild/clean your carbs from the gunk. If it is hard to start give her a little squirt of starting fuild and see if she starts right up, that will tell alot.....let us know what you find
Thanks guys i am going to check the fuel lines and replace the plugs and filter when i get home tonight, i will post back and let you know.
Welcome to the seadoo forum mjm716. You'll get all kinds of information here on the seadoo forum. If you need to fire up your seadoo please don't use starter fluid on a 2 stroke. There is no lubrication value in ether based starter fluid. If you must, use some premixed gas and oil you normally use. A couple oz. down each of the spark plug holes should be fine. Typically, with a cleaned fuel system, fuel lines and fresh plugs, it should start up on it's own.

And to answer your question, those gray lines were an engineering mistake by Seadoo. Not sure why they used them, but after a couple years, the inside linings turn to goo and start to fall apart. Then the goo flows down the fuel lines and clogs up the little fuel filter in the carb and possibly gets into the jets.

So, yes, a rebuild is recommended.

On another note, my 96 XP was acquired last year, and had been sitting most of it's life. Maybe 30 hours on it. I ran it for a year before swapping the lines, and mine were still in decent shape, so for the short term, if you can adjust the carbs and get it running, do so and have fun.

But expect the carbs to get gummed up eventually and get ready to invest in 25' of 1/4" fuel line and make the swap, AND do a carb rebuild/clean. If you have patience (unlike myself, I wanted to ride NOW:reddevil:), you may want to do it sooner rather than later.

There is "marine quality" fuel line that you can get from West Marine and similar places. I just used the stuff from my local auto parts store (o'reilly). You will need about 20-22 stainless hose clamps.
i will probably do the autoparts store stuff, i dont want to sink to much money into it, i have a dumb question, oil goes in one side of the jet ski and high octane or reg 87 in the other side? i am assumming the jet ski mixes its own oil and gas, what do you recommend for oil, i checked it before i used it and it was full of oil. on another note i have a 95 wet jet and i cannot find the filler for the oil in that one? does it use oil?, i am so sorry guys i love to get out on the water but i should be so much more knowledgable of these machines and i am not so i appreciate every single response you guys give me. i am such a rookie to this and i feel stupid. like i said both jets run fine i just want to keep it that way, thanks.
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