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I would like to install a volt gauge & hour meter...

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Hi gang, any electrical techs in here? I would like to install a volt meter in that 2" hole that was blanked off and install an hour meter as well to better keep a log on these remans.
Boat - 1998 Challenger 1800 twin 787`s

I have a 12 volt source that doesnt get used which is the cigarette lighter/socket. I`m thinking I can just tap into that for the positive supply for the volt meter with non to minimal drop in Volts. I don`t run anything while underway ie: lights etc.
If that 12v supply is hot at all time`s I might have to install a switch...

I`m also thinking that if I tap into anything else like power for the gauges which come on with the DESS system, I could be asking for trouble, not getting an accurate reading, and possibly fubaring these rare MPEM`s. don`t want that...

The hour meter, I realize it needs a switched power source, but where in this boat?
another option is to utilize 2 hour meters than are inductive off the plug wire...

any info is greatly appreciated, thanks, Andy...
I added a voltmeter to my speedster. I just cut a hole where the factory lighter plug was. Then I moved the lighter plug. I just tapped into the wires for that plug. It works fine. A volt meter isnt using any electric, it's just reading what is there. So there is no draw. That positive wire is hot when I turn on the battery switch. So I don't think an hour meter there would make much sense. It would be going up anytime the battery is on. Here is a pic of mine. I did find the faze series gauges match BRP stuff pretty close on 98 models. It was only like $12 shipped off ebay. Doing a quick search I just saw it on there for 16.

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The 12v at the gauges is switched, and so should the power plug. You can hook to either. Now... with the Hr meter... you will have to run a trigger wire back to the engine, so it knows when they are running.
I added a voltmeter to my speedster. I just cut a hole where the factory lighter plug was. Then I moved the lighter plug. I just tapped into the wires for that plug. It works fine. A volt meter isnt using any electric, it's just reading what is there. So there is no draw. That positive wire is hot when I turn on the battery switch. So I don't think an hour meter there would make much sense. It would be going up anytime the battery is on. Here is a pic of mine. I did find the faze series gauges match BRP stuff pretty close on 98 models. It was only like $12 shipped off ebay. Doing a quick search I just saw it on there for 16.

Thanks, that looks great! ours are a bit faded and I don`t have any orange on the needles. I hear these tachs for the challenger 1800`s are rarer than hens teeth!...lol...

The 12v at the gauges is switched, and so should the power plug. You can hook to either. Now... with the Hr meter... you will have to run a trigger wire back to the engine, so it knows when they are running.

If the 12 volt source is switched, why would it not make a good connection point for the hour meter?
I don`t have a battery switch, the 3 fused leads from the MPEM are connected to one + terminal lug, the 2 heavy gauge starter/solenoid cables are on another + terminal lug. The heavy gauge negative cables are on a - terminal lug, and the ground for the MPEM is also on it`s own - terminal lug... I have 4 studs on this PM2 battery...whew...lol...
so if I find that the 12 volt cigarette lighter is switched when the engines are running, then I`m golden for both? Running a wire so the gauges know when the engines run is the unknown part, where to tie into?
I don`t have a gauge in hand yet, so maybe there is more than 2 terminals on the hour meters, and the gauge needs a signal or reference... gotcha on that...

one thing the previous owner did that I don`t care for is he swapped out the radio for a CD, am/fm, interface yada yada yada and everytime I disconnect the battery, when I reconnect the radio comes on... not really an issue, but I generally have most of the boat covered when working on the rear bc of the crazy weather we`ve been getting. I have to close up and stop as soon as it starts to rain, I know you are familiar with that Doc...lol...

and the radio is live all the time and it is tied into the factory harness... I haven`t gotten into the electrical on this boat yet...
I was left with a mess of about 30 feet of 4 gauge, and 30 feet of 8 gauge just laying in the hull bc when the last owner installed sub speakers and huge ones at that, he never installed a sub amp and left all that loose stuff dangling in the hull... well out all that wiring came...

and I`lkl also remove those subs and install a deck plate if I can to cover the hole...

thanks for the tips fella`s...Andy...:cool:
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anyone have any bones about these single wire wrap around type of hour meters?
I see several single wire hook up where it is just a wire wrapped around one plug wire, per engine of course...
seem simple. mount each meter in the engine compartment and call it a day... maybe...

update: gee whiz wheezer, the 12v outlet is live all the time... swell, not... hmmmmm plan B
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2nd update: I checked out the wire schematic and see an accessory 12v source already behind the dash. I`ll look into that circuit for connecting the Volt meter...
if it were me, i would just install a $40 battery switch. they are great for lots of reasons.
if it were me, i would just install a $40 battery switch. they are great for lots of reasons.
That would kind of negate the multi terminal PM2 battery that I have.
The MPEM positive and ground wires are on separate posts, the engine ground cables and positive cable from the coil/solenoid tower are on another set of posts. For me to run a battery switch (which I have one for dual batteries not installed) I would have to co-mingle all the positive cables on one lug. that would be 5 terminal rings...

I have ordered 2 hardline hour meters that run off the plug wire.
I also have the volt meter coming, and I will come up with something for that.
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I finally got around to doing this. I tapped into the 12V gauge power as suggested. and just used spark plug triggered hour meters, one for each engine... details in build thread...
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