I let the smoke out!!! Now what?

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New Member
Hey guys! I am a newbie here but thought it may be a good place to start. I just bought at auction a pair of ski's. The one in ? is a 96 XP. When I got it the batt. was dead so I bought a new one. I pushed the start button and the ski began to spin over. At this point I stopped. I began looking things over and saw some things unplugged from each other and decided to plug them in. Bad move I think. The part that I plugged in was the VTS. At this time the 5 amp fuse in the foward elec. box popped and the ski would not spin over. I replaced the fuse and the ski spun over again but then shortly after began smoking. Smoke came from the front elec. box, the black gel filled part in the bottom, and from the black gell filled part on the backside of the VTS. I have a complete new VTS module and a complete new front elec. box, but do not want to fry anything elase again. Could the VTS in the rear have been the cause of my problem when I hooked it up? Or should I look elsewhere. Sorry so long, Just trying to find the best place to start.
If there is any doubt about the VTS, leave it disconnected during your troubleshooting. It is did not actually adjust trim, you could still use the ski.............except for the part where when a VTS goes bad, it can be a pain to troubleshoot.

Unfortunately, what you described sounds like the MPEM (computer) of the ski just got fried. A replacement unit is imminent - but leave the VTS disconnected until (if?) when you decide to work on reparing the VTS.

There are several causes for VTS failures: leaking VTS linkage boot fills module from backside with water, flooded hull seeps into front of VTS module, and potting material failure in the circuit board.

Take off the VTS cover and inspect for any water intrusion. It will give an indication of the history of the unit.
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