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I just bought 95 Sportster, could someone tell me more about this boat

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New Member
I just bought the boat and trailer for $1000, the trailer looks new, the boat looks great and everything works but it needs new seats they are in bad shape, I have not had it in the water yet. Im just looking for some info on the boat, what kind of oil should I run, is there anything I should look for before I put it in the water, how fast should it go. things like that. Thank you for any help you can give me im new to this.:confused:

I own a 95 Speedster which is the same boat with 2 engines. it has been a great boat.

Use ONLY Sea-Doo Bombardier 2-stroke oil, unless youre knowledgeable about oils - never use 2 stroke Outboard oil. You can get the oil on eBay or from Parker Yamaha.

Warm the engine at least 5 minutes at low speed. When done boating, on the trailer run the engine 15 seconds to blow the water out

If your fuel lines are grey, replace them, they rot and clog the pumps and carb.

Some of the fasteners are metric some are ANSI so you need both types of sockets and wrenches

Have fun !
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I drained the oil tank and filled it with Bombardier 2-stroke oil, I will check the fuel lines next thanks
Few things I did to my 97 Speedster

Check engine compression.
Check the impeller and wear ring.
Replace the pump oil.
Clean fuel strainer.
Mine sat for some time and I sucked all the gas out of the lines and tank.
Check all of the control operations - steering, throttle, shifting, choke, etc. etc.
Some of us have redone our own seats - redid the center parts, some have redone all of the covers.
If the foam is shot, you may want to hire a pro.

Post some pics - we love to see the before and after shots.
Here is a link to my current winter project:
I need to add some updates and new photos.
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here are some pics from the day I picked it up


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Snow - what snow

Can't wait to see the pics of her defrosted:cheers:
Check out this post - he did a great job DIY on his seats:

Just noticed - you want to move the jack away from the hull - put it on the tongue of the trailer.
Well you could leave it where it is, but the first time you hit it while loading your boat - you get the picture.
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I was looking at that, the jack does turn out of the way when its not in use but I do think I will move it.
he did a great jod on his seats I hope mine turn out that nice
I have the seats out now, Im going to redo them myself should be fun, I will post some pics

Some people on here used "acetone" to take the white film from the compartment hatch, I used a can of rustoleum "jade", matched the teal seats perfect...congrats on the boat
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