I hate getting old


New Member
Got on the water for the first time this year. That's right...the 6th of September. I'm normally on the water by tax time....ah well...it ain't been a good year.

I had the ski ready to go by June...but never made it out. Then I figured I better get the sc rebuilt since it's been a coupla years since the last one. Weather wasn't bad...relatively calm...but the rad musta sckd....I was still down 300rpm. Yeah...full fuel...most of it 9mnths old(that's a first for me)...yeah I put on another 10-15 pounds...but still...300rpm?....!@#$%^&*

On top of all that....I broke my dang toe as I was starting out this a.m. Thought I'd just jambed it...you know...didn't set my foot right in the well or somethin...nope. Thing is literally black and blue.

Ah well....did I say I hate getting old?
It happens. I've had years where I get tied up with other things... and the ski's don't even get out.

Honestly... I think it's a good thing. Assuming they are being stored properly... it will keep you from burning out.

Sorry about your toe.
Getting old sure beats the alternative. "They" say only the good die young, and I'm way past that point. I had an injury in July which means I haven't been able to get in the lake or get wet since then, we've been using the boat, not the SeaDoo's, I'll bet I don't have 10 hours on them this year, the upside we'll probably get another season out of them before any major maintenance or replacement.

When he have a great day on Lake Erie I feel it all week long!
Labor Day the lake had 5 foot swells. My oldest son and I rode side by side. Climb the swell, jumped with air, land and climb the next one. After 15 minutes. My oldest son threw in the towel first. OLD GUY (54) WINS! I stayed and played. I climbed a 8 footer, big air, landed and porposed thru the next 8 footer! Slamed handle bars, then got pulled backwards. How I did not leave the ski I don't know. OMG, my elbows / neck have been killing me for a week!!
I was born 1944 but when we go out with jetski I am only a 17yr old (70 yr old body with a 17 yr old brain) my wife is same age and still comes with me.
keep on skiing till you cant do it anymore that's my advice to you all.
good luck and keep at it.
I was towing the Ski's down to my test out lake. I had a old guy pull up and ask me if I ride them. Hell yes I do! He said I think your a little loopy! Your too old to ride Jet Ski's!
Getting old sure beats the alternative. "They" say only the good die young, and I'm way past that point. I had an injury in July which means I haven't been able to get in the lake or get wet since then, we've been using the boat, not the SeaDoo's, I'll bet I don't have 10 hours on them this year, the upside we'll probably get another season out of them before any major maintenance or replacement.


Good grief Lou ... seems I recall a long time ago you chastising DrHonda about his comment relating to "keeping his junk clean". Now you inform us that you have not been wet since July ... should you be discussing personal hygiene here?

Hope you get all healed up soon.

Keep smiling
