Hydroturf Fading - How to Restore?

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New Member
All, I installed the Black/Tan Hydroturf in August 2011 and religiously keep the boat clean/covered. It does sit in the sun but has the Seadoo OEM full boat cover. Unfortunately, the turf is turning grey. The tan has faded to an ugly gray color and the black is standing strong. Any suggestions on how to restore the color?
I just got my kit in a few days ago, got the stuff for the rear deck and rear step. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep the rear deck out of the sun without getting a mooring cover. I have it parked under a large carport when it is on the trailer but the sun will still shine on parts because of the height of the roof. Does the stuff fade quick or will I be okay for a while? I did not install yet but would like to ASAP.
:agree: Your hydroturf is less than one year old, I would think the company will stand behind their product.


Don't bet on it. When I got mine, three pieces were cut wrong but I didn't notice until they were glued down. I called to complain and all the guy said was they could give me a small store credit on a future purchase. Should have bought SEADECK!
Don't bet on it. When I got mine, three pieces were cut wrong but I didn't notice until they were glued down. I called to complain and all the guy said was they could give me a small store credit on a future purchase. Should have bought SEADECK!

I have a feeling you are in a very small minority here. There are way too many of us that have had great luck with hydroturf and the customer service provided.

Fill us in on how you noticed that yours was cut wrong after you glued it down? Didn't you place them all down and check before peeling the backing off?

Sorry to hear about your issue.

I have a feeling you are in a very small minority here. There are way too many of us that have had great luck with hydroturf and the customer service provided.

Fill us in on how you noticed that yours was cut wrong after you glued it down? Didn't you place them all down and check before peeling the backing off?

Sorry to hear about your issue.

I might very well be in the minority. The point I was trying to make was that I felt the customer service at Hydroturf didn't correct the problem to my satisfaction. When I pay high dollar for something, I expect there to be a measure of quality control. I feel sorry for the guy with the faded pads. Even if they send him a replacement set free of charge, he'll have a blast getting the old stuff off. Then he'll have a great time getting that glue off of the deck. Then if there's still time in the day, he can install his new set. Almost as much fun as being on the water!
Yes of course I laid them out before hand but it was difficult to see the imperfection until the pads were down. In hindsight I should have laid them out in pairs and sandwiched them together to make sure they were exactly the same. I also should have pulled up the defective pads immediately. That's entirely my fault.
Because you asked I'll give you the details. The left passenger foot rest was cut about 1" too narrow. The right rear passenger foot rest was also 1" too narrow. The left side swim platform piece was cut poorly altogether. It's about 3/4" too narrow around and above the rounded corner (just above the "Hydroturf" logo"). The pad is also slightly off line, like the pattern wasn't straight when it was put on top of the material.
Up to this point, no one but my son has noticed the problem (he only noticed the swim platform) but that is not the point. At $350 I expected a perfect "matched" set. Period. I shouldn't have settled for imperfection. It's too late now to worry about it. I just won't ever buy it again.
Thanks for the details. I can understand your frustration completely. Being the first I had heard of this, it's hard to imagine it happening. But obviously it has, and it would not be easy to correct on your side for sure.

They should have offered some sort of solution for you. I can't imagine how you would get that off now. OUCH!

Good luck with it.
i filled my ski month ago, and spilled some gas, bout a coffe cup full, took a few minutes to wipe it all up, but in an hour or so, mine mats were loose, needless to say , i cleaned it all good with alchohol, and let dry, used contact cement on both hull and mat, and sticks real nice, -- but, is this a good way to remove old mats and glue ???? like you were talkin about ???
Thanks for the details. I can understand your frustration completely. Being the first I had heard of this, it's hard to imagine it happening. But obviously it has, and it would not be easy to correct on your side for sure.

They should have offered some sort of solution for you. I can't imagine how you would get that off now. OUCH!

Good luck with it.

One other thing I would like to add. Believe it or not, I really like the stuff. It feels great on the feet, it's easy to clean, and the light grey color I chose matches my boat interior very well. I might be bi-polar. LOL. Seriously, if they had sent me a gift card or a T-shirt I would have been happy. They dropped the ball, and for that they lost my business.
So I called Hydroturf this morning and they said they would speak to my sales rep and have him call me. About an hour later, he called me and said since you only ordered this stuff in October, we are going to replace the same amount, (4 sheets) with any color / pattern that you want. He told me to go to the website, pick out what I want and call him back. With an experience like this I can really recommend this stuff. They stand behind their product. I know it will be a pain and time consuming battle to get it all out and the new stuff in, but at least they are making it right by me.
told you so, expecially since most people here replace there mats with the top 2 companies, im sure they will honor their product
I just placed the replacement order with HT. I am going with the black and grey groove as Cory said it does not fade. Also, I made a typo previously.. I did not install it in August... I installed it in October. So I had it way less than I thought.
Ok here's my hydroturf story, ordered swamp camo for my C180 based on the color on the website. Kit arrives and the color looks look way diffrent in real life. Looked great in the cabin but didn't go w the blue gelcoat at all on the swim deck.

One call to hydroturf and they sent me out a new rear platform in the colour of my choice to Australia free of charge.

That's service!
I really do think that they represent true customer service. I think they like to keep us happy because they know people talk... I have gotten two of my buddies (none Doo owners) to get turf on their boat and they love it.
I just received my Hydroturf order of replacement sheets. I emailed them on June 11th about my sheets fading and here it is June 19th, I have the new sheets in hand. I went with the Cut Groove sheets with the black top and grey in the grooves. Of course, it will take me a full day to remove everything, cut everything and get it all back in but I think it will be worth it in the end. Hydroturf is a great, honest company that stands behind their products.
I was thinking about getting the teak/black cut grove Hydroturf for my utopia, because I thought it would look good with the green and tan that is on the boat already. Was yours that faded the teak color or tan? When I had called them he said the teak can fade but obviously couldn't give a time frame as it would depend on how much it was in the sun.
Maybe I will go with the cut diamond in light grey or dark grey and black bottom. Will I have to spend a lot of time cleaning the light grey to keep it looking nice? I like that I can easily wipe up the floor now when feet get the floor dirty after being wet.
I had the two tone cut groove teak/black (teak on top and black in the grooves). The teak color faded drastically and began to peel off. To the point that I could rub my hand over the turf and the teak would rub off.....Since they exchanged it under warranty I pulled it all up and went with black/grey cut groove.
Thank you. I think I will go with the light grey over black cut diamond since you had problems and the guy at hydroturff said the teak would fade.
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