hydro trailer returns


I always liked the product, but it was WAY too expensive for what it was. If they can do it for under $150... I would get one.
price probably wont be very good for us down under though sadly to say, but will be interesting to see what happens with it for sure
I have two of them and could use a couple parts here and there. The last guy did answer the emails and help me eventually. I'm a little jealous actually I may have rose up on the molds if I knew they were available. Anyway it's a great toy and I'd like to see more folks exposed to it.

they look as if they're a pretty useful handy attachment to be honest, one could find many uses for it for sure I reckon, but as I say they'll probably cost 2 arms and leg to get one in aussie land without a doubt between the shipping costs and the currency conversion, so heres to hoping a few down under marine dealers get wind of it.
That is pricey ! Would be the ticket for my Wife and I. We launch at the ramps and go to the beach a mile away. If there are 2 of us it gets to be a pain. I hate leaving the gear on beach. Then recover the Ski's and drive back for gear.
Yep... that's what I thought. The guy is setting himself up for failure. WHy would I pay $1300 for some plastic? I've bought a bunch of injection molded toys from step-2 for my kids... and they are cheap. Yes... the molds are expensive to have made... but come on... plastic is cheap. I can buy a small Colman fishing boat for $399 and use it as a "HydroTrailer" just as easy.

FYI... a nice wagon for my kids was $49. It has hardware, and wheels... and even a door that opens. And... the hydro trailer is just a "Wagon" in my eyes.

They are handy... but $150 is about where they need to be priced. (ok... maybe $199)

Oh well... this will be just like when they tried to bring back the shuttle crafts. The new company bought the molds... and then tried to sell at the same price.
yes I agree Dr Honda,, why would a person spend $1300 when like you say ya can pick up a small fishing boat for $400 and serve the same purpose, or even maybe a old ski hull. I believe there was a reason these trailers went out of production in the first place. Ahh well was worth a look anyways.
I'm not justifying the price here but these are more then just a floating something you toss a rope to. I've found that with working VTS you can comfortably drag these things at 40ish with a small mid 90's Seadoo. Plus it's a capsule that's inside is sealed. You would fill a small boat behind you with the spray.
I really like the idea however I think the price point needs to be about half of the target price of $1500.00. The inventor/promoter needs to get a company involved who has experience, Pelican coolers comes to mind. They have the molding capability plus they're the best at waterproof containers. The hydro trailer is really a watertight cooler in the shape of a hull.

I'm not justifying the price here but these are more then just a floating something you toss a rope to. I've found that with working VTS you can comfortably drag these things at 40ish with a small mid 90's Seadoo. Plus it's a capsule that's inside is sealed. You would fill a small boat behind you with the spray.

Sure... but I can buy an $89 blow molded kids kayak... and then spend $20 and build a ridged tow mount... and it would be the same thing for a lot less.

I also think it's very cool... but it's not worth the $$$$

Now I have to go out and buy a little kayak to make my point. (lol)
You guys are comparing apples to oranges. Coleman, Step 2 and Lil Tykes are popping molded plastic crap out like chicklets, there's no shortage of kids being born here. This guy is into what I'll call the "Craft Brew" (no pun intended) of watercraft towables, and the other toys, boats and kayaks are sadly the Schlitz of beer. The other might work if cobbled up correctly but not right out of the box. At 5 bills they would sell. It's unfortunate the guy probably shelled out good money for the dies and has to pay a premium to have a place injection mold at a lower production run/higher cost. Sadly, send the dies to China and have them pumped out for pennies.