Hull Cleaning

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New Member
Hey all, I am a new SeaDoo owner and aquired a 1997 GTX. The previous owner mantained it really well, but neglected to clean the hull of the craft. It has what I'm sure you're all familiar with as the buildup of water scale and scum line along the hull. I just want to get everyone's two cents on good methods to take this stuff off! Thanks!!:hurray:
Well you can cover the carbs with plastic to keep the water out, than use simple green (It's bio degradable)and spray the hull out to get the icky stuff out. Be careful not to spray to high a pressure on the electrical connectors and the sealed boxes. Yes, they are sealed but they sill can let water in under pressure. Use the garden hose and let the cleaner do it's job. Be sure to clean up the mess on the ground, as you shouldn't let it drain into any body of water.

I'm sorry for the confusion, but I was talking about the stuff on the outside of the hull. It's more like hard water buildup and scum buildup particularly on the sides and bottom of the outside of the hull. I've tried a lot of things and that stuff is stubborn!:ack:

I wish I could remember the name of it, but several years back, I bought a sail boat with the brownish color build up, was really nasty. I went to Boats U.S. and bought a bottle of this stuff that was fish friendly, used it right in the water with a rag and the ocean, standing on a sand, that stuff was good!....I wish I could remember the name though.
I bet if you go to one of those marine stores, tell them what your looking for, I bet they can get it for you. Fiberglass cleaners are pretty good these days.
Yeah, I guess I'm just going to have to scour the local marine shops. I thought you guys just might feed my laziness and throw something at me I could order online from the comfort of my desk chair. Of course then I would have posted a thread on an automatic hull scrubber. No:) but thanks again for the imput!
Dry dock it...

...I just pulled off all the nasty hot pink decals from my '96 XP. Then I went over much of the hull with polishing compound and a Mother's Power Ball, and it took off most of the grime and gunk on the the outside of the hull.

It also polishes up the fiberglass as it cleans the junk off...

Works just as well with some rags or sponges, and elbow grease...
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