NO, I am talking about how the cheap non marine batteries will not hold up, the cheap batteries have a high fail rate....heres a fun example for you...I needed and have had this problem in the past....I needed a new battery and went to walmart and bought a cheap 25.99 lawn and garden battery for my heres the funny part brand new battery tested 100% perfect, yet would not start my lawn mower I put in an interstate and it started right up same cca's and ca's as the cheap one, just made heres a better fact I took my $130 jetski battery 100 cca's less then the lawn mower required and the mower still started with it but the cheap walmart battery made for it with over 100 cold cranking amps more then my jetski battery would not start it....and those cheap batteries you bought if they will even start the ski they will not last long and may not even start you ski sometimes, let along might not provide the corrct amperage the major components of the ski require.
Just a thought but if you do it right to start with it will cost you less in the long run, a battery is not the same as other brands with the exact same cca's and ca's they all very in duty and reliability. Just like using an autozone fuel pump in your car/truck because you wanted to get away cheap, did great at first but darn 5-6 months later you have to get another one because they are junk...costs you more in the long run, just a thought if you go on ebay and have it shipped to your door you will save even after shipping 25-50% off retail, you should be able to get a very good battery for under $75 each to your does cost more but you will thank yourself and save the hardache down the road.....good luck.