Well, looks like old man winter is trying to spin over to the other side of the world.
IT"s been warming up here lately. So much so, I took out the GTX on Tuesday. She ran like a champ. A bit uncomfortable without the seat on.
No, I wasn't out for a pleasure ride, just a tune up. I noticed some water seeping from around the tune pipe to exhaust manifold. I may pull it real quick to re-seal it.
I rode WOT for about 4 or 5 minutes then pulled the lanyard. The river was a bit choppy from the wind but I was able to read my plugs. They still look awesome from last year. I got a new set but I usually wait until the first week or so of the riding season before replacing. That way, I can get a better idea of what's going on. WHen you use new plugs, it's really hard to see how the fuel air mix is working.
I still got the boat motor sitting on the bench. I'm taking my time with it. The kids love the ski more than the boat anyway. I did start cleaning gasket surfaces and so on. Last night, I was doing the live broadcast into the forum on installing hte balance shaft............
Winter is history till next year!!!!! I'll be back on the water this weekend!...:cheers: