Hours changed

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New Member
I had my boat winterized and impeller changed last fall at my local dealer. When I started the boat up for the first time this season I noticed my hours went from approximately 65hr (before the work was done) to about 16hr. I called the dealer and asked what happened and he told me this was normal and due to some type of computer update that was applied to my Speedster. He said this was very common and happens to a lot of Challengers as well. So I'm just wondering how many others out there have had their hours decrease as part of normal maintenance. I'm glad the hours went down instead of up, but I still think this sounds rather strange. What good is a guage to track engine hours if it isn't accurate?

Remind me never to buy a used boat from your dealer! I really don't know how it works with boats, but I'm a car salesman and I can't begin to tell you how much trouble you'd be in for rolling back miles on a car, truck or SUV.

I guess the better question would be, if your dealer doesn't reset your hours to the correct reading, are you the kind of guy (or girl) that would sell the boat with the lower, incorrect hours without telling the new owner?
In addition to what was said, if you don't get the hours set to what they should be, you'll be forever trying to remember when you're supposed to be doing services that are based on the hours. I'd be interested to know what your find out when you get to the bottom of this.
I sent an e-mail to SeaDoo using the link above a few days ago explaining what happened. I'll let everyone know what they said. Something tells me they won't say this is part of a normal computer update.
No, I didn't think you were. I figure me calling the dealer and posting this topic is proof enough that I'm trying to do the right thing.
Well, I never heard back from Seadoo. I guess I will just keep track of the hours changed for scheduled maintenance purposes.
I'm wanting to sell my boat soon.. where is this dealer??? ;-) Just kidding.... don't even have hour meters.. DANG!
Same thing happened to my speedster, told same thing by dealer.
I was also told the dash reminds you of every scheduled service when the service is due, this would only work if they reset it correctly each service!
Come to think of it, the dash did remind me once of which service was due when the hours were up !
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