From what I see of the pix of your impeller, it looks o.k. .....But I'd replace the wearing ring. From what I've read, your already on to that. Those holes, even though 80% of the ring meets the clearance guidelines, will cause cavitation.
WHen you say your a bit slow out of the hole, I think that is somewhat normal for the Challenger. I am too. It seems the motor has more power for it than the pump can handle, by the weight of the boat. Remember, this was one of Seadoo's first models into the CHallenger, the first being 1996. So, they have made a lot of changes along the way with them.
You can also play around a little with the RAVE settings. When the shop manual on them first came out, it said to have them all the way down. Then, the following year, they came out with a supplemental that said to run them out flush. SO, I play with them between the two settings.
Scooper, I noticed this was in the PWC thread, so now I'm left thinking, "is this your boat, or your PWC?" I knew you said you blew the engine in the boat, so I just assumed that was what you were talking about.
The engine seems to have a quicker response with them in, but that response really isn't needed when my pump already seems to be out running the boat for the first few seconds at take off anyway. :cheers: