Hole In Heat Exchange

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New Member
I just drilled a hole in the plate under my 2004 gtx to install a new anode... water came out when i did this... am i in trouble?
Oh boy!

First of all, welcome to the forum. I wish you were here to tell us something good but it looks like you've made a good boo boo.....
I see under your thread that your aware that this is the heat exchanger for your 4-TEC engine. Strange it was water coming out. It should have been coolant.
If you only went through the outer plate and not all the way through, you may be able to remove it and take it in and have it welded and smoothed back out. To replace this part is pretty expensive. I looked around and didn't find one on a quick search but I'm sure I could find one. Although I've never heard of this happening or no one in the forum asking about it's replacement, I'd guess your in the range of 2 to 3 hundred.
I would say for a temp fix, you could use a bonding agent but with it part of the cooling system, I"m sure it comes under 8 to 12 pounds of pressure when hot.........
Good luck!........let us know how you come out. If you need some help in finding the part, let me know. There are parts distributers on the home page. Check them out, you may find a good deal on one..........
Welcome to the forum bobvolvo, I don't know how much info you have about you seadoo, but you might want to join as a premium member and download from the seadooforum library a manual for you doo. You can download manuals for your model or any other model you choose. The manuals are authentic seadoo manuals, from seadoo. You can read it on line or download them in a pdf file and print if off for your personal privet use. The Repair manual has diagrams, Pictures of all the parts for repair or assembly, troubleshooting, and maintance. Click on the link at the top of the page under "seadoo manual" for all the details. The service isn't free, but I haven't found a better deal anywhere. Good luck with your repair, and if you need any more help or info, let us know. We will do our best to help get you back on the water. I hope you don't fret it too much...
Merry Christmas,
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