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HIN # help

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New Member
not sure what model or year sea doo i have ZZN13036B090 runs great but need to get manual so trying to find what it is
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Welcome tothe seadoo forum rbrown053. The Hull # has 13 digits. CE CH 12345 L 4 95
The first 2 (CE) mean nothing. The next 2#'s(CH) are the Model. The Next 5 #'s(12345) are the serial #.
The"L" is the month of production. The "4" is the year of production. The last 2#'s(95) are the Model year.

**Initiate Deciphering**

Hey Welcome!

I just researched the same thing to figure out what I have.

Let's decipher the last 4 digits of ZZN13036B090

B - means the month - February
"0" - means intended model year - 1990
"90" - means the year it was actually made in - 1990

So, your Sea-doo was made in February 1990 with BRP's intention to sell it as a 1990.

Congrad's! You probably have the yellow engine - same as me.

yep yellow engine not sure what cc and what model is like a sp xp not sure how to tell what it is any help guys would be nice
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I am trying to figure this out on my SeaDoo boat also. Please let me know if you ever figured out how to decipher the model.
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