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hey guys ! took my 1996 seadoo speedster out this morning first time. a couple questi

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New Member
a couple questions for the experts. first off i apologize if i ask stuff that has already been covered , i am new and i am currently reading owners manual and searching the forums for my answers. BUT SINCE THESE questions are fresh in my mind after getting home i thought i could ask.

1). steering was a tiny bit loose, seemed to like to turn right more than left. ( 2 people evenly balanced ) .
2). oil light above gas level turned on a couple times during high revs. only for seconds. checked oil , at least half full in oil tank.
3). at one point i completely stopped for over 5 mins. "full stop" and i noticed some water was around my feet. i guess it came in through plastic ball thingy for draining water at end of boat. once i started moving again it drained.
4) when cleaning it in drive way , got some water inside ski ( very middle of boat ) compartment. it was not draining, i turned on bilge. and nothing. felt around and found drain for that compartment and it seemed clogged. is there a valve in-between middle compartment and engine compartment?
5) any suggestions on getting a good "run through" or someone who does work on these, near LONG BEACH CA? i really cannot afford to go to a sea doo shop.

again thank you for your time. today was so much fun. my friend who went with me got scared with how great this thing turns, i couldn't stop laughing.
1) mine is slightly loose too. You can adjust the nut at the back of the boat near the jet pump area.
2) that's common, mine also does that. I think it's just to give you an adequate amount of warning time to refill the oil.
3) that's just the scupper valve. As long as it doesn't get to the ski locker you're good. With a decent amount of weight in mine, water would continuously enter through the foot drain to the ski locker then drain to the bilge. One time it got up to the air intakes, I caught it just in time before any damage occurred. I bought a plug from McMaster and just keep that in there now. Much less of a hassle.
4) there should be a short piece of PVC pipe siliconed in that lets the ski locker drain to the bilge.
1) Normal. The rotation of the pump makes that happen.

2) Not normal... but if you were bouncing... I wouldn't worry too much. (yet)

3) Normal. (sort of) There's a drain that goes out the back. There is a "Scupper Valve" in the back of the hull. It's either a simple rubber flap, or a ball inside a cover. Check for debris holding it open... but most likely it needs replaced. (it's a generic part, and should be less than $10) Ebay... or your local boat shop should have it.

4) Water in the ski locker?? It should have a hole in the bottom rear... and it just drains into the bilge. BUT... to help keep water from getting down there in the first place... there should be a simple rubber gasket around it.

5) If it was 15 years ago... I would help. (I had a place right off Paso Del Mar) But now... I'm stuck in cold a$$ Pittsburgh. Unfortunately... I doubt any of the shops I knew about are still there.
with the oil light , i was bouncing . and i just took off the ball water drain and found a bunch of leaves from previous owner. boat is great but i think its time for it to get a good service. its old.
I had a guy recommend hotter spark plugs for going up to big bear in July. Said it would help with altitude. Any suggestions or threads to read ? Thank you guys
Maybe. Big Bear lake is upwards of 6500' as I recall. So... it's going to run rich. Personally... I wouldn't change them... but it's not a bad idea to grab a couple 7's to throw in the took kit.
i guess what he is saying is that a hotter spark plug will help combust the extra fuel or " richness ". i am super new to do this what are 7's as far as spark plugs go ?
thank you again for your help on this !!!.
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