(See pics below) When you're going a little faster than you should in an area you're not very familiar with because you're worried that the boat launch is going to close "at dusk" like the sign says, just slow down and make sure you're going the right way otherwise you could end up completely beaching your boat on a sandbar like me this weekend!! Tide was going out and within 20 minutes we were 100yds from the nearest water. An hour later Boat US Tow was there and got us out, thank goodness it was all sand and the boat launch was still open. I'm pretty sure I got a bunch of sand in the jet pump and wore out the wear ring, now the boat cavitates at full throttle out of the hole, if I ease into the throttle it will come up on plane, unfortunately if I put any stink on the throttle it just cavitates. I took a look under there when I got it home hoping there was just something stuck in the grate but it looked pretty clean and there wasn't anything in the impeller either. I'll tackle it this week, wish me luck!! (Also, time for a GPS).

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