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New Member
hey guys! ok so i have a pair of 2000 gtx millennium edition 951 cc skis. My friends and I were riding yesterday and I noticed very soon that my ski was not accelerating near as fast as it normally does. It takes like a mile or so to get to full speed. The ski just sounds and feels like its bogging down when I mash the throttle. And to make matters worse, if you let the throttle go completly, the engine will shut off. It has no idle whatsoever. I have to keep a steady push on the throttle just to keep the machine alive... I'm thinking the idle screw has been tampered but I don't know where it is to fix the problem... any help would be greatly appreciated :)
No screw adjustment!...

If the ski was running fine before and no body has tampered with your carbs, then your problem is not going to be in your adjustment!....
Your RAVE valves are operated by an impulse line. Check it for leaks and also, if you haven't done it yet, remove them to clean. This is suppose to be done annually and let me tell you from experience, if you let carbon deposits build up on them, your engine will run like crap!.....
ok Ill check that out.. Im not very familiar with the RAVE valves though..

I sent them both to a mechanic recently to fix some problems on the other ski and just to reattach the oil line on the first ski.. thats where I thought he might have tampered with the screw but what you said makes perfect sense.. I dont think the RAVE valves have been cleaned in the past year so that could be it... I was just confused because before I sent them off, the first ski was running just fine, except for that oil line that fell off...
Soap box!...

Don't let me get on my soap box about repair shops.....I've seen to much stuff, reported and uncovered on investigative shows that make me very pessimistic that I"ll ever recommend to anyone, get their work done somewhere. Seems, like, when they get you in, you never get out!
Rave Valves

Hi ALEX, i see you are a premium member.... time to read up on that shop manual mate... you'll find all about RAVE valves in there... i just had a HUGE drama with my ski where a hose to the RAVE valves was blocked ... read (FLAT SPOT) in the trouble forum for the full story... with everyone's help.. and reading the manuals.. i found out a lot!! I agree with seadoosnipe on the RAVE valves. :agree:
okay! ill open up the manual and read about the FLAT SPOT. hopefully all ill have to do is clean out the rave valves and the ski will be good to go
If you get in a jam cleaning the rave valves, give us a shout and I'm sure you'll get a quick response. This seadoo forum has lots of active members eager to help.

RAVE valves

Hey Alex... the ( FLAT SPOT ) is in the seadoo forum under PWC troubleshooting not the seadoo manuals... the RAVE valves however are in the seadoo manuals... remember to also clean the hoses attached to the Rave valves as well.. these hoses are VITAL to the RAVE valve operation and must be free of any blockages. It took me 6 months and a very helpful mechanic to find that out!!! :ack: Any problems just ask.
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