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OK long story short.

2004 Sea Doo GTI-RFI
water flooded engine
wont crank with plugs it goes probably half crank and just stops
I took out the plugs and grounded them and the thing just cranks free
I don't know what else to do I am pretty sure the water is out but not for sure. Please help!
check your crank case I bet it is also full of water, your oil prob looks white. If the plugs are out then disable the fuel system and ground the plug wires remove the spark plugs and crank the engine over untill no water comes out anymore.
OK no more water is coming out, I put the shopvac and air comp and blew the S**** out of it (another 3 gal or so) How would I disable fuel other than to take off the fuel line, pull fuse on pump?? It was improperly turned on its side and went through the exhaust.
Hell Yah!!

Just got to run and letting it idle in the driveway! Heavy white smoke poured out of the exhaust and is thinning now and I assume thats the water! What should I do now, maybe some oil down the spark plugs to get the water out! Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
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