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Help with repairs finishing on 99 gsx


New Member
**update bendix is bad**
So from what I understand I got 1999 seadoo gsx limited 951.
Few days ago I died on water paddle back though battery was dead was right about that then I charge the battery but the ski was kicking the starter for few seconds and cut out only one time it start but I shut it off.
Every time I try to start the engine it will try but won’t start and some tryouts will make weird noise.
I open the mag cover and the bendix need replace the starter end shaft is bent due to old owner not putting the starter screws.

1) when I put the pipe head back on do I need to put anything to seal between pipe and engine head? And also what about the pipe extension with the ring lock do I need to put somthing there?

2)for the shavings I found inside the bendix and starter area how I clean that out without damaging anything else.

3)all fuel line was replaced except the one that comes from the tank this still the gray line
What fuel line I need to get for carbs fuel line and the main one that comes from the gas.

4) where can I find good starter?

5) what tools I would need that maybe I can rent to remove flywheel for bendix replace.

6) I also keep blowing the fuse with the name acc what is that for?
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Do a compression test first.
Best to download a repair manual. Yes you need gaskets on every surface. Good Luck !
1) when I put the pipe head back on do I need to put anything to seal between pipe and engine head? And also what about the pipe extension with the ring lock do I need to put somthing there?

2)for the shavings I found inside the bendix and starter area how I clean that out without damaging anything else.

3)all fuel line was replaced except the one that comes from the tank this still the gray line
What fuel line I need to get for carbs fuel line and the main one that comes from the gas.

4) where can I find good starter?

5) what tools I would need that maybe I can rent to remove flywheel for bendix replace.

6) I also keep blowing the fuse with the name acc what is that for?
1 what do you mean by pipe and engine head?

2 maybe a shop vac?

3 normal fuel line, you will need 1/4 and 5/16 - 5/16 for the supply and 1/4 for the return/vent

4 ebay, never buy aftermarket starter. If you buy one on eBay and it doesn't work good you can get rebuild kits

5 to remove flywheel get the tool from something like sbt

6 accessories - im not too sure what they are maybe the speedo, buzzer and compass.
thanks for the replay.
i order the sbt puller should arrive next week.

for the pipe head i found the gasket its i took the exhaust pipe off the engine to get space to work in the hull and the pipe didn't had any gasket before.

i will go get the fuel line tomorrow.

and shop vac wont fit i need to clean both sides and my carbs are still on not planning on doing rebuild wanna try to get it running for this season and after the season to take the whole engine and rebuild.
i thought about something like brake cleaner that i can spray but need something safe might just get air compressor.

my acc fuse even when blow the buzzer works i wonder what it might be i search but nothing online and on manual no mention what fuse go there so idk if the old owner have the wrong fuse there or not its 5amp fuse at the moment

u suggesting to just search on ebay a good condition one and rebuild?
Not 100 percent sure on this but isn’t all the fuel line on this 1/4”? I thought the 951 was the only one tha used some of the 5/16 line?