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HELP! - This fuel line adapter piece broke off! Where can I get another one??? + Pic

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New Member
The bottom quarter of this right angled piece of plastic broke off in the top part of the rubber topper. I need to get a new 90degree right angel plastic piece.

Where can I get this?



  • IMG_0390.JPG
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Hey Anthony,

Check and see where that black rubber line goes to. There are actually two lines that run into that black rubber cap that actually don't have anything on them. 1 line is the return line which comes directly from the carb. This returns any excess fuel that the fuel pump has brought to the carb and the engine hasn't used. The other line is a vent line which vents fumes out to atmosphere - don't tell Al Gore.

It looks like the black 90 degree pieces actually just friction fit into the rubber cap. Yours might not be broken, just it doesn't require a hose on the other end.

Finally, if you need one and there aren't available - then perhaps AutoZone or Pep Boyz might have a similar part.

I agree with Freshwater Doug... try you local auto parts store first (cheaper), it looks like any other vacuum line adapter. Last resort, try some of your boat stores like West Marine, Boater's World, etc. (more expensive). The boat stores are a good source for replacement stainless steel bolts nuts and screws though.
Hi Guys, here are some better pictures. IMG_0398 shows the entire black piece after it was stuck in the top rubber cap on the gas tank. I checked some auto parts/hardware stores and they identified it as a barb but they didnt have the right lengths I needed.

I will try some boating places around here tomorrow.

IMG_0392 shows where it broke off. Here is what I know so far. The OTHER END of this fuel line goes directly into the carb (main feed??) The end Im dealing with goes into the top rubber cap obviously but I dont know what if anything should go on the other side. Can someone post a pic of what theirs looks like?


  • IMG_0398.JPG
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The three remaining black hoses still attached to the top of the rubber cap all go to to the fuel selector switch. For On, Off and Reserve.

The one I broke off goes back to the carb
If it is the "return" line, then extend the hose, and put "barb" thru the broken part. Its just dump'n the unspent gas.
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