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Help Please. I have water in my oil!

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2008 Seadoo GTI 130 se. I have discovered water in my oil. I just bought this seadoo and do not know the history. I have done several oil changes but I would say there is not much improvement. Any thoughts? How can I get this water out of the system and where could it be coming from?
Then it sounds to me like you have a leak in the combustion chamber some place. If it is internally cooled or externally cooled, somehow water is getting in to the sump or pan. This is new you say? I would take it to the dealer and let them take a look at it. Should not have oil and water mixed. Does the oil look like a chocolate milk shake or coffee with creamer?
It is a used machine. Initially the oil was more like a chocolate shake but after changing the oil a couple times it appeared to get lighter in color like coffee and creamer. After changing the oil, I ran it with the hose hooked up at the flushing connector; I then changed it again and ran it some more. Unfortunately it only got lighter in color rather than clearing up completely. I am wondering if perhaps the entire engine compartment was submerged in water at some point and so I figured if I changed the oil enough times it would clean it out. It is a closed looped cooling system similar to a car and the water appears to have no antifreeze color.
Your gonna have to boil out all the water. The process is a bit detailed but it is covered in the service manuals in the seadoo library. There is too much information to re-type it in the forum. It sounds like it is from being submerged and if it isn't anti freeze mixed than it should just be a boil, fresh oil and done.

That could of happened. One thing I forgot to ask. If you have water in the oil then you should have oil in your water. Maybe? If there is no oil in your water then most likely it was submerged like Karl said. I hope you can get all of the water out. Karl, will running any kinda of flush be advisable with these 4 strokes? Maybe some tranny fluid. I hear it takes water out very well.
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Hello guys. Just an update on my water in the oil. After several oil changes and then a "boil out procedure" it looks and runs great. Thanks again.
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