So hooked up battery today. Everything was working. Then started the port motor. Started fine. Then started starboard tried then stalled. Went to start again and nothing. Not even a click. None of the electronics work. No bilge. No blower. Nothing. So I look around. No blown fuses but when hooking up the battery we forgot to connect one of the grounds. So I disconnect everything and reconnect. I get the beeps when I put my key on. Then nothing. After that. No electrics no starter sound.
What's wrong with it? I'm hoping just the battery and didn't fry the MPEM but no blown fuse.
Ideas. Boat is a 1998 Seadoo Sportster 1800.
What's wrong with it? I'm hoping just the battery and didn't fry the MPEM but no blown fuse.
Ideas. Boat is a 1998 Seadoo Sportster 1800.