Last year about this time I bought a 94 sea doo xp..... i ran well for the first three times out....then i blem a ring so i rebuilt the bottom end.....and in the proocess off puttint it back togther i changed all the old grey fuelines and cleaned the carbs and filters...checked the tube going into the fuel tank.....put it all back together and it ran great started right the time i was done with the breakin in phase the ski was boggin down hardly take it out it run great for 20 min then bog i decided to rebuild the carbs this year....just got em back together and put em on the ski...started right up everytime i today i get it in the water....warm it up runs GREAT for 30 min....then i stop and let it sit...the motor seemed a lil warm but nothing to unusual it sat 20 min and i went to take it out again.....started right up and was running really well then all of a sudden it just bogged down and cut off......i had to sim it back to it back and checked compression...fine....then the spark....fine....seemed like its getttin fuel too........ anybody have any ideas??? im runnin outta them and have rebuilt just about everything...even put a different recterfier in it....please help!!!!