Help Dr Honda Decide

Dr Honda

Well-Known Member
Hi All.

OK... so, last year I didn't use my ski's hardly at all. (Bad weather, and too much travel) SO... I was thinking about selling them off. But... before you guys way... WHAT THE HECK !!! or, TRAIDER !!!!! Here's my thoughts....

1) when I have time to go to the water, the fam normally wants to take the boat. (So the ski's sit) Because of that, I don't want them to just sit around and rot.

2) Both skis run great... but they are getting old, and I'm just thinking that they are getting to end of life. In the past, if I had an engine blow... I would rebuild, or part out the ski... but I don't have time anymore.

3) At the moment... I'm the only one in the fam who really wants to ride them... so I'm thinking of a spark to play on. (so, sell the old to cover the new)

Now... my final thought is... a 2up spark is light, and I may be able to mod my boat trailer to hold it. SO... that way, when I take the boat out... I can just tow the spark, and when the kids are out swimming, and the wife is reading a book... I can pull the spark, and go for a ride.

I've also thought about getting another stand-up, since I could just set it on the swim platform of the islandia... but my back and knees aren't want they use to be... and I sold my last SuperJet a couple years ago because of that.

Anyway... give me your thoughts.
New skis can sit with less use and be more forgiving. So from that perspective alone, selling old and getting new makes sense. I'd get a Spark before a stand up as you know others will want to ride and or you will need to have others on the ski.

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Well, I'm kinda in the same boat so to speak. I've already sold one ski the 95XP 800, and the other two have almost become accessories to the boat. But both skis are relatively cheap to run, gas is cheap at least for this year, tax and insurance is practically nothing, and honestly I wouldn't get much if I sold them. So barring any major repairs I figure I'll just keep them. We keep the boat and one ski at the lake, and can easily tow the other one if we need it.

Sell them and get a spark! Looking at your limited time you have now, would really blow your day when you do get out on the water and have an issue with one of your older ski's. Let's face it, owning an old ski can be a lot of work!!! I think I enjoy working on mine when it breaks just as much as I like riding it! LOL.....

My family hardly uses the Seadoo at all and we also have a boat. I find having the seadoo is great for when I just want to get out on the water for an hour to get away. Faster and less work than launching the boat!
WOW, what a sleeper, I gotta get one of those, do they come like that from the factory?

Southbay, Bennington and Playcraft are the ones that I know of that come with a factory V8, but I am sure that there are more out there. There is a used one in Nashville forsale that I thought about going to have a look at.

Sorry to hijack your thread Dr. Honda.
A stand up on the swim deck would be insane, I've thought about it many times, the logistics of getting it on and off would be very hard depending on how low your swim deck is to the water and how many able bodies you have on board. A guy on my local lake has a 35' boat with a custom extended hydrolic lifted/lowered swim platform. That extension has removable bunks where he sometimes carries his 4tec Seadoo. That would be the ultimate but I'm sure that guy has $5-10k into that hardware and installation.
Thanks for all the input guys.

Lou: I'm feeing you on that one. I could keep my XP as the "extra" ski, and wouldn't cost me a dime. And to that... she runs PERFECT !! (making it even harder to let go) But, the fact is... it's a 20 year old ski with the original engine, and I have a gut feeling that her time has come. Either a piston will melt... or a RAVE will drop in. FYI... The long life is a tribute to the right oil.

Brian: The stand up on the swim deck wouldn't be a big deal. Back in the day, (late 80's) we use to do that with an old pontoon. That was a struggle to get it up. But the swim deck on the islandia is just a couple inches above the water line. I could basically just throttle the nose on the deck, and pull it the rest of the way. (see below)

Jesse: I've seen a few tri-ton's with twin 300HP outboards, and they can MOVE. But they still burn a but load of fuel. The twin Rotax Islandia's are a good time. My original plan was to buy a 2006~2007 with the twin non-supercharged engines. But I was having a hard time thinking about a payment for the 6~7 mo out of the year that we don't boat in PA. Heck, even now... we've had a ton of rain, so the rivers are high, fast, and full of junk. And all the lakes are closed because they are 20' deeper than they should be.

FYI... the twin supercharged Islandia will push well over 60 mph. That's haulin' ass for a 22' deck boat. mine will get to about 48 mph with just me in it.

Well... the weather sux today... and Mosities just opened a new store a couple weeks ago. I guess I need to wonder over and see what deals they are running. Lou, you still getting your oil from them?

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I was in the same boat as you Doc.

I had 2 seadoos, my 99 SPX and a 99 GTI. I enjoyed riding them, but it felt like I was the only one who wanted to take them out, and no one else wanted to ride. Everyone else just wanted to chill out on the boat. I just decided to sell them last night, at this point I had done all the up to date maintenance, but still every once and a while they still needed work. I was tired of working on them. It seem like seadoo two strokes more than any other brand, everything has to be PERFECTLY in spec for them to run correctly. I was tired of chasing my tail on previous owners work.

Moral of the story is I sold them both last night for $4,800 with a double trailer, and now I am looking for a boat. If you are going to sell them, this would be the week to do it right before 4th of July. You know there are a bunch of people out there looking for a ski to take the family out and be on the water for the 4th. I had them listed for 5k and sold them in less than 1 day.
Sell them and get a spark, and if you mod trailer to hold both boat and ski make sure you give pics please would love to see that process.