Help 2006 4Tec - Acts like vapor lock?

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New Member
Hi - new to writing - usually I search all the good info & get answers, haven't found any writing on this situation.

Our 2006 RXT starts on the first try, we run for an hour or two and then usually someone stops to trade riders. When we try to restart the engine - it make a little grr and won't turn. If we wait 5 - 10 minutes, she starts again. If it's an annoyance to live with - ok - just want to understand if it could be the start of a larger problem. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
It almost seems like it might be a starter related problem. Does it happen all the time of just once in a while? Check the ground and the battery wires in general for a good connection. If it happens on a regular basis I would also open the fuel cap and see if it helps...That would indicate that the vent is blocked and causing a vapor lock situation.

Let me know the frequency, and how the Wires are see if it helps.


Hi Karl - We are going out this week-end and will double check the connections. This problem started in July. After riding for at least a half an hour - if the ski is stopped & turned off - it won't start again unless one waits a few minutes. Not bad by the dock - but not good in the middle of the lake. We have had the ski out I think 5 times since this started - I remember 3 times this happened. The other too times it did not. It seems like the more riding, the more it wants a rest before restarting. Important to note - once it restarts - it runs like a charm. Thanks, SS
it makes a grr sound. is that the starter turning? or not? if starter is not turning motor, it is a starter, solenoid, or electrical problem. (could be a hot tight motor but very unlikely) if starter cranks it is probably a fuel issue.
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