Having a bad summer as we have had in Ohio?


Well-Known Member
What has your summer been like?
I think we have had a dozen hot sunny days this summer in N.E.Ohio. Broke 90 degrees 3 times so far. We got chased off Lake Erie a few times with pop up Thunder Storms too. A great year to be first time owners of 2 PWC's!
I am very much so looking for my move to FL. OH is killing me in regards to "summer". It has been pretty poor at best, and now it's starting to wind down.
And I got the opposite problem: only a handfull of days since end of march where it has been under the 90s here. Of course I am about 20 miles from the coast where the temp is typically 10-20 degrees cooler. Too hot to go out and work on anything during the day; I typically nap in the heat of the day and go out and work on things at night.
Southeast mi,

Been out 3 times so far. Never over 76degrees when I want to go. Too damn cold for me lol
This has been a cooler than normal summer for us here in North Carolina. But at least that means the Temp has been in the 80's instead of the 90's.
I see that we're in for high 80's and 90's next week. That'll likely be the last time I get a chance to get on the water since the kid will be in school in 2 weeks.
The weather man said last night we have not had 4 nice days in a row all summer! We just had 2 nice days, then the last 2 were rainy. I have a son in collage in town. He goes out with me all the time. We are planning on going out till it's too cold.
This "summer" we are having is the main reason I sold my ski and bought a jet boat 2 weeks ago. It just hasn't been nice enough to ride. Couldn't get out till July really. And even then the water temp in lake St. Clair was in the high 50s. That's damn cold to be out on a ski.
I'm in Pitt PA... so I can feel your pain. I don't think it's been above 90 yet this year. I took my kids to the local amusment park last week, and it was overcast, and only 72. (Crazy cold for Aug)

But... I've been traveling much more than normal... so regardless of the weather, I just haven't had time to get out this year.

With that said... 2 weeks ago I was in St Augustine, and right now I'm in Ft. Lauderdale. (Florida) It's FRIGG'IN humid !!! I'm wearing a suit, and at a resort. (working) IT SUX ! I guess it would be better if I was on a ski. In Pitt, we get high humidity... but when I walk out of my room, it feels like walking into a bathroom that someone just took a very hot shower. It's not just humid... it's steamy.
Tony,, I feel your pain for the humidity thing. Normally short lived for me though. Only from airports to hotels or in transit depending on the shuttle. Once I make the move to Miami I am sure I will FULLY grasp it.. LOL I will learn to love it though.

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