Happy Memorial Day, belated!


New Member
As I was riding yesterday in Tampa Bay, I thought to myself, who is out here just because they have the day off? I was wondering how many people were out there and never gave a single thought to why we are able to do what we do as a country, who gave us the rights and freedom, and who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our lives?Did anyone think about the ones still in captivity, the captured ones used for horrific scientific experiments, or the ones tortured in POW camps? These are the real reason we are off work this day. I wondered if anyone said anything before they started eating their food cooking at Picnic Island park, like a prayer to God thanking him for such a great country, and (past) leaders that kept us safe from harm's way. I wonder if anyone wrote a poem to the fallen soldiers or even greeted each other by saying Happy Memorial Day! I saw very few flags flying on vessels which doesn't mean much other than just that, but I expected more. I did see one good man flying the American Flag with the Confederate Flag underneath. Please remember the fallen and still serving and make it a tradition in your family to remember the reason for the season as we say at Christmas. It was the blood, sweat, and tears of the fallen that needs to be remembered first, then chow down and chug your tasty bevarages! Pray for your Country and the President!

Now, I went out yesterday from Picnic Island to Beercan, then to Fantasy, then back to Beer can, then around a freighter and over to a little spit of an island that is made of broken shell near Picnic Island, then back and washed everything and was at work by 5pm. I must say, yesterday was a good day. Tiny bit choppy, (of course we all love glass) but it was very dooable and I got to spend the day with my beautiful wife who very rarley gets to see me. Anyone else have a good day on the water? Now go thank a combat vet and give him a hug. Tell him thanks and your sorry about his buddies dying, but you sure appreciate their sacrifice!