Handle bar restoration

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Hey everyone. I wanted to post my handle bar resto results. I read on here some ideas on how to restore them but the posts are closed so I could not post the results. I found that what worked best for me was magic eraser and some Berryman's carb cleaner. Once I started using the Berryman's it started to come off with ease. Only took 20200501_135715.jpg20200501_141454.jpg20200501_141502.jpg20200501_142801.jpgabout 10 minutes. I did use a toothbrush to get in the edges around the pad and a rounded off small bladed screwdriver to get into the lettering edges. Over all this combo made it very easy. I then turned on the heat gun to the big purple pad. Used with caution, this method was most effective of all the other ways I tried. You can see the purple pad still has some imperfections, but you must agree, it is much better than before.
Just shop on eBay. There's mint pads on there already. Click, ship, install. I've never been disappointed. Find make offers, cut them off at the knees, negotiate, enjoy. When there's 15 of the same bar pad someone wants to make a deal.
That's what I was going to do if the carb cleaner messed it up at all. But I had the stuff to clean it and it took less time to do than it would just to log onto Ebay. And cleaning it was much cheaper. Under 4 bucks. However, replacement may come in the future.
Trust me, not knocking your methods. I'm just a stickler for the same finish/texture/clean satin finish. On that plastic you can use soft scrub with bleach and a green scotch brite pad. That will keep the same original finish and not add a shine to it. You can use a heat gun to, but if someone for oil on out on the past, that will stick out, it will also leave a shine to it. If you're ok with the shine then it's easy street.
It worked great. Went through almost 1 can of carb cleaner and 4 magic erasers. I screwed up and got some carb cleaner on the decal below the handlebars and it messed the decal up
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Berrymans B12 carb cleaner and magic eraser. Just the regular magic eraser, not the ones with Dawn and stuff built in
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I would definitely recommend taking it off the ski so you don't risk messing up your decal like I did. Wonder if I can get a new one lol
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