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GTX DI Really overheated

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New Member
I let my sister take the GTX out and they road it till it overheated. They kept getting the beep and overheat in the LED but would let it cool down and keep riding. It finally went into limp mode and they stopped riding. The boat was full of water. As it turns out the hoses connected to the pipe melted and pumped water into the boat while they where still riding. The manifold is very discolored from heat and all the paint burned off the first section of the pipe where it connects to the manifold. The rubber support that holds the air intake melted and is no longer connected to the pipe. The engine never seized and actually started easily on the trailor the next day.
My plan is to replace the hoses and spark plugs. Hook up the flush hose and let it run. If water is coming out of the side and not leaking and it does not overheat, i will take it to the lake. What else should i be concerned about, bsides my sister?
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