gsx 2000 start problems

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New Member
hi everybody i am new to this forum and i am hoping that someone can help me
i have a gsx 2000 sea doo wave runner and the problem is as following:
when its OUT of the water and you start it, it starts just fine, but when you try to start it IN the water it does not start so... in order for me to ride it i have to start it outside then put it in running and it runs just fine for as long as i want but if i stop it i can´t start it again. its a realy weird problems and its driving me crazy. i just put a new battery fully charged and if course that wasn´t the problem.

thanks in advenced and i will wait a responce.

That is weird....I don't think anyone has had that type problem before. My first instinct says that it must have something to do with your cooling water system. With the engine running, the pressure from combustion will keep any water out. But if you have a bad gasket and the engine goes dead in the water, maybe the water is seeping into the combustion area.
That's about all I can think of.
Do you have any beeps, or any other sign that something is wrong? Have you taken your spark plugs out to inspect them? Try this. Bring a spark plug wrench with you. Put the ski in the water, try to start it. You say it won't start. Try it several times, so that if my idea is correct, you'll have a good evidence. After you do this several times, pull the plugs and look for signs of water on them.
You may need to do a compression test also. If you've done one, please post the results. A compression test will help diagnose whether or not you may have water leaking in. A complete engine leak test may also need to be done.
Get back with us after you've got some of the answers to the questions!.....
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