getting new lanyards

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big island

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Premium Member
I would like to get more lanyard for my skis (1997gsx) I had a pair come with each ski but one dosnt work (one beep) on one so that leaves me with just one for that ski.If possible I would like to get couple for each...any ideas how do I go about getting them.........Aloha
Well you could try a local seadoo dealer if available, or do the E-bay thing. I have seen them go as cheap as $15.00. You'll still have to get the lanyard programed to the ski, which only a seadoo dealer will have the programmer. You could also try to have the old one re-programed, and save a couple bucks.
no sea doo dealer in the state of hawaii

Did some calling arround and found out that there is no longer a sea doo dealer in the about being dead in the water....well not quite cause I still have one that works but I would sure want to get more ....any ideas out there....Aloha
The dealer needs the ski to program the lanyard I don't know if you could take the ECU out and ship it to the nearest dealer then have it shiped back.:confused:
well big island, if your in Hawaii you might as well be maroned on a deserted Island! you could try to contact a dealer in the main land states and see if they will program your mpem and send it back to you ...Not sure what other options you have...

The idea of taking out your mpem and send it in to get a key programmed for your Doo sounds like a possibility in theory but it can't be done. The OEM certified mechanic has to check to see that he's programming the lanyard for your licensed craft. If not, that means anyone could do this, replace the mpem in someones PWC and steal it.
Your mpem is able to hold up to 6 programmed lanyards. The one you got that you say doesn't work. Try soaking it in a mild detergent and then rinsing it. Let it dry out really well, then give it another try. Do not use any type of die electric grease on it because this will insulate the DESS chip from sending a signal to the MPEM.
I called a local dealer and he said to me that under circumstances as being in Hawaii it could be done...Need proff of ownership and registration with Hull #. He would only send it to the owners address as it apears on the tittle and registration. It's not a usually condition but some dealers will help out if they can. If this is the direction to go, give it a try and call the closest dealer and see what they say...the worst that could happen is they say no...
thanks guys

Tried soaking the lanyard and still dosn't work.....Will be going to Vegas in a couple of weeks,maybe I could hand carry ecu and registration etc.with me if I can find a dealer up there.Does anybody know of a sea doo dealer in Vegas?

I would go to and click on dealer locator for the area you are traveling to, and call them on the phone to be sure they can program it for you. Ask exactly what they need from you as I D to be safe.
not looking to good

just got off the phone with a mechanic in one of the shops in Vegas.He said it cant be done on older models.(1997) cause something about a special plug that plugs into were the landyard hooks up to.....on newer models they actually lift the seat and there computor plugs into a connection there.....Dont really know what he's talking about....HELP!!! about a price to pay living out here in Paradise!

I'll make a phone call to a buddy of mine that just sold his seadoo business and see what he says about this 1997 gsx. Lets see if I can't shed some light on this problem.
got a second opinion

talked to a service manager at another shop and he said it is probably possible and maybe the easiest way to do it is install my unit into a same model ski and program it,he was going to do some research and get back to me

My source confirmed that will need to plug the mpem into another similar doo and program it from there. You will need your Lanyard of course and the mpem unit to complete the process.
Let us know how you do. We are all interested in the results.....good luck with it!
Chow (bye) lol
got new lanyards made

I just got back from Vegas and got some lanyards made .I hooked up with a shop that had a ski in with the same mpem and they did it in a few minutes. I just brought my registration with me.I got home and hooked it up and its all fine.Did raise a little concern at the airport security as I wanted to hand carry it( I was expecting that).....all's well and thanks for the help
Glad to hear you got it going finally. How was Vegas? I'm going at the end of the month!
That is great news that the lanyards did the trick and all is programed. I just a poor boy and don't get much vacation time. Good for you to get some R&R in Vegas. I'm jealous!
Wow, that's great!

That's so cool to hear you got it all fixed. I'm curious though. You said you hooked up with a guy that had a ski in the shop with the same mpem. What did he do, take the mpem out and reprogram yours. When you buy new lanyards, you take them to the shop and they program the mpem with the lanyard. It can hold up to 6 lanyards in it's memory. So I guess what I'm stumped with is it sounds like he programmed them to the one in his shop and not your mpem.........:confused:
stop speed reading louis

That's so cool to hear you got it all fixed. I'm curious though. You said you hooked up with a guy that had a ski in the shop with the same mpem. What did he do, take the mpem out and reprogram yours. When you buy new lanyards, you take them to the shop and they program the mpem with the lanyard. It can hold up to 6 lanyards in it's memory. So I guess what I'm stumped with is it sounds like he programmed them to the one in his shop and not your mpem.........:confused:

Louis, I beleve that he ment that they put his mpem in place of the one at the shop and than programed HIS mpem with new lanyards...come on louis keep we'll type s----l---o---w---e---r--- j---u---s---t--- f---o---r y---o---u. lol:rofl: :rofl: :ack:
No offense intended! Sorry!

Louis, I believe that he meant that they put his mpem in place of the one at the shop and than programed HIS mpem with new lanyards...come on Louis keep we'll type s----l---o---w---e---r--- j---u---s---t--- f---o---r y---o---u. lol:rofl: :rofl: :ack:

Louis, My posted comment is intended as a funny ha ha, and not intended as anything else. If I put my foot in my mouth I apologize! I was just poking fun !
Seriously, Karl
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