New Member
I bought a 99 Speedster recently and it has a gouge in the gelcoat on the bottom of the hull that is about 2" long. What brand do you guys recommend using to repair this? I have seen so many different brands of gelcoat repair that i just dont know which one to buy. By the way the hull is white and im considering buying the evercoat gelcoat repair. But what is the difference between the Evercoat gelcoat repair and the Evercoat Match & Patch gelcoat repair. Thanks
I bought a 99 Speedster recently and it has a gouge in the gelcoat on the bottom of the hull that is about 2" long. What brand do you guys recommend using to repair this? I have seen so many different brands of gelcoat repair that i just dont know which one to buy. By the way the hull is white and im considering buying the evercoat gelcoat repair. But what is the difference between the Evercoat gelcoat repair and the Evercoat Match & Patch gelcoat repair. Thanks