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garden hose starting

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New Member
just getting ready to take a test ride but wanted to dewinterize first on trailer. This might sound stupid but where am i hooking up the garden hose on the 98 challenger 1800. And can i run both engines off of this or do i have to run 1 and switch hose?
thanks guys
Starting the engine directs the exhaust out, then when you turn the water on, the
water cannot enter the engine crankcase. Turn water hose off before engine
shut-off, give it a couple of revs to clear water from exhaust, then shut off engine.
Consult your manual for de-winterizing.
matt...to answer ur ?, lift the hatch up, and you'll see 2-flush kits on outside of engine compartment (black caps). Unscrew those, and if you use a "Y" hose splitter, than yeas, you can run both engines at once. Start motors, turn water on, burp a few times, then turn water off, then burp some more, then turn motors off...:cheers:
Timmy thank you. The guy i bought it from said they were just for winterizing. So I guess that shows he never flushed it out!
I've read to flush it after every time I take it out? Is that correct or when do I need to flush it? Taking it out today for 1st voyage.
back from 1st trip out

Ok well I just got back in from on the water. It started right up and was great up till about 35-40mph and 5000rpm's. At this point the port engine would start to rev/bog. This dosen't make to much sense, so i'm wondering if it's cavitation??? What would that feel like as i'm driving the boat?
The rpm's will jump from 5000 to 6000 back to 5500 up to 6500 etc. while the starborn side motor will run great and the rpm's will be at 7g....
New plugs were put in and it was summerized. It's a 98 challenger 1800 with the twin 787's..

doubt cavitation would cause the rpm to vary like that. If you are cavitating you are simply putting air in the water and loosing thrust. This will let the engine rev up and you get little to no speed or thrust. Like a slipping cluth on a truck.

I would start looking at the fuel system there. When were carbs gone through last? See anything in the filters? Do have the grey hose everyone replaces? Stuff like that. :cheers:
if the filters were clogged etc wouldn't there be a problem even under 35mph? Up till 5g rpm it runs like a top. It's after that on the starboard motor.
Wear rings?

Thanks again to all

The less throttle you use the less demand for fuel. Filters could have stuff in them so not fully cloged and allow for normal running under low demand. What postition is your throttle in when this happens. Not rpm but like 1/2 or 3/4 throtlle. position is what determens what circuits in the carb are being used.
Glenn it happens pretty much right at 3/4 throttle. I haven't changed the filters as i saw a reciept that they were done in the fall just before winterization but I will try changing them anyway.
high speed circuit

3/4 throttle is right when the high speed circuits cut in. Not only check out the filter on the tank but any in line and the ones in the carbs themselves. While you have it off you could pressure test for proper pop-off psi, fuel pump operation, diaphrams leaks, and n/s operation. make sure you jets sizes are correct. Is this all stock with oem airbox, etc? If so then just follow the manual for sizes and settings.
rev limiter

Not sure on this but was thinking maybe a bad revlimiter could cause this as well. Just a thought..... I would start with fuel system first though.
Im going to start with the in-line filters and carb screen tomorrow and then try everything else you said. A buddy mentioned the revlimiter too?
How do I test it for proper pop-off psi? What is n/s operation?
The boat appears to be stock and yes with the black airboxes.
Thank you very much Glenn and Timmy for your time and help it is much appreciated as i'm just getting my feet wet with boat engines. Seems pretty similar to the 2stroke 4wheelers.
Im going to start with the in-line filters and carb screen tomorrow and then try everything else you said. A buddy mentioned the revlimiter too?
How do I test it for proper pop-off psi? What is n/s operation?
The boat appears to be stock and yes with the black airboxes.
Thank you very much Glenn and Timmy for your time and help it is much appreciated as i'm just getting my feet wet with boat engines. Seems pretty similar to the 2stroke 4wheelers.

pop off psi on my 96 787 single motor boat should be middle 30's. You should check your manual to be sure on yours though. You will need a pop off gauge for this test and testing the n/s. n/s is for needle and seat. I do not think the n/s is your problem with the up/down reving but thought that since you are in the carbs you could check this. if they are leaking it will cause hard starting via gas dripping in to the cyl. to get a pop off gauge just do search for mikuni pop off gauge. I got from parker yamaha in parker Az. They have the 30psi, 60psi, and the 100psi. I think the 60 is all you need though. look at the following links for more info on the carbs


best of luck
not sure

I have never heard of this, but I have very limited exposure to these things. Factory setting is 0 turns anyway.
Timmy thank you i will try that as well if it still does that after i change the filters in-line and the small one in the carb. Going to clean up the rave's too and hope that does it. If not will look for what you said and hope it works.
Thank you all again for helping me and the rest of us out!

Going to do it tomorrow and hopefully back in water Friday. I noticed a coil spring missing on the good motors rave.
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