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Fuel level float

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What is the real problem with your seadoo? Is the gauge not working or are you missing parts on the baffle? If the guage isn't working test it by unplugging the plug above the baffle tube and insert a jumper wire between the 2 wires. If the guage works it is in the baffle tube. To check the float remove it from the tank and with the wire attached, hold it in your hand and tip it vertically to horizontal to see if the guage registers. If it does the baffle is good .Now check if the bottom screen is in place and the float is in tact. If it looks in place open it up and check the magnets are still in place...should be 4 total on the float. If there missing they might be in the bottom of the tank. As the float goes up and down in the baffle it reads resistance in the tube for the guage. Now place the float in a glass of gasoline if it sinks it's bad and needs replacement. I hope this info helps and saves you money. If you still need advise or a different part give us a shout back.

fuel float

I wlready went through all the troubleshooting that I found on this site. I get an emply all the time from the gauge. I jump the connector to the guage and then it works getting a full reading. I move the float up and down in and I get the proper ohm readings. I figure the float sinks. I haven't tried to float it in gas yet but assumming it is the only thing left it could be. What is the P/N for the float I need?
That is not a part you can get seperate...try E-bay for one. The float will float in a glass of water but sinks in glass of gas as it has a lesser density than water, so it will sink if it is gas logged. I try to be through on problems as that part sells for about $160.00 dollars if memory serves me right. If you can't get a used one you will have to bite the bullet and get a new assembly.

Fuel float

So, I assuming your answer is that the float#295 500 438 will not work on my GTX. Is there a way to fix the one I have, maybe seal it way?
I didn't check out the part number...click on the link at the top of the page "parts" to see if it is the correct part. I use the diagrams all the time. You can't repair a gas logged float it is like a styraphone type material.

Fuel Float

They don't have a breakdown on for this, just a P/N for the whole assembly.
Hey, for $10 I could try it.
That is a float part number...it comes as a back ordered or discontinued part...give it a try it might be a new old stock...

Fuel Float

Karl, just to let you and anyone else know that I bought the replacement float# 295-500-438 which seadoo lists to cover 1996-2003 only and installed it in a 1995 GTX and it works fine. Thanks for your input on this.

where did you get that float from? I'm assuming it has all the magnet attached?

I have (2) 1995 SPI's that need them replaced. The floats float in the gas but the magnets came off.
That is not a part you can get seperate...try E-bay for one. The float will float in a glass of water but sinks in glass of gas as it has a lesser density than water, so it will sink if it is gas logged. I try to be through on problems as that part sells for about $160.00 dollars if memory serves me right. If you can't get a used one you will have to bite the bullet and get a new assembly.


The floats have been available separately for a long time and still are.

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