Fuel gauge needle jumps around - Why


Active Member
So my 2001 GTS fuel gauge needle jumps all around from full to empty to half way. I have already done the F1 fuse upgrade but why is my fuel gauge jumping all over the place? If will show full then drop down to empty and them back up to full or half way. I checked the electrical connection by the float and all looks good.

I mean its just a float floating in a fluid that's being sloshed around. It's going to move some. Also, if one of those glass reed switches or whatever they're called inside of the fuel baffle breaks; when the float gets to that section of it ill just read empty until it gets past it.
Pretty sure it is not an issue with the float, full tank right now and it jumps right down to empty them when will come back up and them maybe go down to half of tank.
I don't think so as it was fine last year
Well my only other idea is something with the magnets on the float itself.

When I did the f1 fuse for mine I accidentally knocked the top switch off and tried to solder it back on and failed miserable at it. That baffle at full reads empty but works perfectly fine everywhere else in its range. But luckily for me I had another one and just did the repair properly on that one lol.