New Member
I am tossed up between ordering a GTI 90 or a GTI 130. I'm not as concerned with going fast as I am with fuel economy. There are multiple sources that say the GTI 90 gets 2.5gph at wide open throttle, but there is hardly any info out on the new GTI 130's with the 1630cc motor. I have heard it is supposed to be a lot more fuel efficient than the older 1494cc motors. I understand there are a lot of factors that go into fuel consumption, but any feedback on the new 1630 motors and gallons per hour would be appreciated. I have to haul my gas to my boat and pwc in 5gal cans, and that is a huge factor. Also has anybody pulled tubes with a GTI 90, and how did it do? It is just my daughters that weigh 100lbs and less, but any feedback there would be appreciated as well. Thanks