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Fogging Oil ???

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New Member
I called the local dealer today to see if they had fogging oil in so I could go ahead and winterize the boat for the nonseason... They said they only carry Anti Corrosive Lubricant, but not sure if it was the same. What do you Seadoo GuRu's think, is this the same as Fogging Oil or.....what
I'm surprised!

I'm surprised that they don't have any fogging spray this time of the year.

The anti corrosive spray will work just fine. So will WD-40 or any other lubricant that displaces water. The purpose of the fogging spray is to put a barrier between the humidity of the atmosphere and the metal inside the block, to prevent it from rusting. You'll need to lubricate the outside of the engine as well, WD-40 will work well here too.

Personally, because it doesn't really freeze in Alabama, I do very little to protect my engine. I just run it every week for 5 minutes or so. Sometimes, twice a week. But in January and February, I use Lithium spray lubricant. This is what all mechanics (that I know of anyway) use to protect metal to metal components that will be sitting for a little while. It doesn't easily wash off of vertical surfaces, so it's good with one application. You can spray it directly into the throats of the carbs, while turning the engine over, throttle wide open (you must have it in forward to go WOT) and the plugs on the grounding straps. Then, remove the plugs and spray into the plug holes, spin the engine over a small amount ( to rotate a piston down) and spray again.

In the spring, when you start the motor, be prepared for it to smoke. It will take a little bit for all this to wash off the inside of the engine, but it will come clean.
You can buy fogging oil at most hardware stores....i picked some up at home depot the other day. I would also be surprised if walmart didn't have it. Any fogging oil will do the job just fine.

Thanks guys, yeah Snipe the dealer DOES NOT even sell fogging oil and when I asked to speak to a Mechanic I was declined like a bad credit card... And the guy repeatedly kept saying all we sell is Anti Corrosive Lubricant but I am not sure if it will work....sir LOL
Thanks guys, yeah Snipe the dealer DOES NOT even sell fogging oil and when I asked to speak to a Mechanic I was declined like a bad credit card... And the guy repeatedly kept saying all we sell is Anti Corrosive Lubricant but I am not sure if it will work....sir LOL

Makes ya wonder what they do when someone pays to have their boat/pwc winterized there!! I guess they either use the stuff that they are unsure of or just tell people they are fogging the engine, when really they are doing nothing!!! I love dealerships....thank god I found a compitent one with a compitent mechanic!!

Job security!......

What you experienced is rampant in the U.S. and I'm sure in other parts of the world. Most people in business, like contractors (try and get a free quote to build a porch on your home, they'll charge you at least $25 bucks to come out, if you give them the job, they tell you they'll decuct it from the cost), automotive, boats, motorcycle and a whole host of other companies, don't want you to fix, repair, or build something yoursel. They will tell you they don't have it available or just right out "no can do" because they want you to have no other recourse but to have you bring it into them. That's their job security. Come on, $90 bucks an hour in labor charges, ........that's freakin ridiculous. If you asked for the fogging spray in the spring, they'd have probably sold it to you. There was no demand for it because it wasn't winter time.

I had an experience a couple years back, before I found this forum that I'll tell you about real quick. After I bought my boat, I needed a throttle cable. I called the local Seadoo shop and they had one, but it was $179 bucks.......I almost passed out. I told the guy again, "I think you misunderstood me, I need a throttle cable". He gave me the same price, then told me he'd have to order it and it would take a week or so. I told him never mind. So, I tried to figure something else out. Then, I thought about ebay. Well, they didn't have one, so then, it occured to me that I'd do a google search. That's when I came up with an online parts distributer. Long story short (or shorter), I found my cable for less than $100 bucks and thought, I bet this guy was going to order my cable from the same place and just inflate the price for his own greedy self..........

I have only used a automotive repair shop one time, for my transmission and that was it. I let my guard down, got screwed out of $700 bucks for the transmission, that still wasn't working right when I got it back, when I could have bought one from a junkyard for less than $150!..........:rant:
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