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First post, No Spark, sometimes?

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Hello, 1997 seadoo GTX it ran and carbs were running out of fuel. Found the filters in the carb were plugged. Rebuild carbs, Then!! No Spark
It fired up ran then no spark. Replaced coil, ran ground from Ebox to battery ground. Then test light on the white wire and it shows a flashing green light, not a red as when testing 12v at the battery. I do have the 2 beeps when lanyard is attached. Clean all connections at the Ebox. Checked all fuses. One in the Ebox and 2 in the front box. I was thinking about checking the mag pickup but did not want to do that if the white wire was showing a pulse. Can anyone assist me further please. I do own a multimeter from Walmart and have no idea how to use it.. thank you for your response, All ideas are appreciated.
Hello, 1997 seadoo GTX it ran and carbs were running out of fuel. Found the filters in the carb were plugged. Rebuild carbs, Then!! No Spark
It fired up ran then no spark. Replaced coil, ran ground from Ebox to battery ground. Then test light on the white wire and it shows a flashing green light, not a red as when testing 12v at the battery. I do have the 2 beeps when lanyard is attached. Clean all connections at the Ebox. Checked all fuses. One in the Ebox and 2 in the front box. I was thinking about checking the mag pickup but did not want to do that if the white wire was showing a pulse. Can anyone assist me further please. I do own a multimeter from Walmart and have no idea how to use it.. thank you for your response, All ideas are appreciated.
Hi ever get your spark back and if yea what did you do to get it back ?
Download the shop manual foryour ski at seadoomanuals.net. There are probably several tests the ignition system you could run. There may be an AC voltage test for the trigger coil that maybe better than the test light. Also resistance tests for the coil (even though its new) and the plug wires. May need to remove spark plug boots and cut wire back 1/4 inch if resistance does not check out. Also make sUre the coil is getting a good ground connection from the MPEM.
White wire to coil will cause a test light to ‘flicker’ ( when cranked) if everything upstream is good
I have the manual
Did the spark plug bolts
Download the shop manual foryour ski at seadoomanuals.net. There are probably several tests the ignition system you could run. There may be an AC voltage test for the trigger coil that maybe better than the test light. Also resistance tests for the coil (even though its new) and the plug wires. May need to remove spark plug boots and cut wire back 1/4 inch if resistance does not check out. Also make sUre the coil is getting a good ground connection from the MPEM.
I have the shop manual ..it doesn’t give many tests for ignition

Gonna make sure the coil is getting a good ground from the mpem
White wire to coil will cause a test light to ‘flicker’ ( when cranked) if everything upstream is good
My engines beeps 2x and cranks well
But no spark
Gonna test that wire to see if it causes flicker
However I hear the mpem may be good but cdi go bad in these computers
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