First off, I'd like to say thanks to the forum members for all the pages of prior assistance on this subject. I wanted to share my personal experience on this topic. First, follow the Mikuni instructions and with minimum mechanical knowledge you can do this. I would say my experience is higher than most as I choose to take everything apart, from car projects to home projects. Second, use the correct hardware. I found my carbs were rebuilt with screws that weren't stainless screws and it caused me hours of frustration. Trying to drill out M3 - M4 screws without screwing up the threads is a pain in the a$$. Found most of the replacements at Ace Hardware. Lastly, if you do have a shop or person try to do your rebuild make sure they are knowledgeable about the carb. It could be the difference between having a great boating season or throwing it up for sale. Thankfully my rebuild went fairly smooth and she started up like a champ afterwards. I've have the oil pump linkage to verify is correct and she's ready for the water. Thanks!