Ferguson, MO


Well-Known Member
Can't believe what I am watching, history in the making. This will be a night we will never forget. What is everyone's thoughts?
I expect this should abate quickly, although I haven't really been paying attention to the specific details (we only get half of these stories, for the other half we have to go digging) at this point I trust the courts made the correct decision?
I am surprised that everyone knew this was going to happen yet they seemed to have a real lack of control last night. These people are ruining their own community. Does that make sense??? I am mad at a decision so I am going to destroy my own stuff??? Many of those looted were locally owned small businesses. Many are waking up this morning to no employment!

What gets me is that no one is really bringing up the strong arm robbery that took place by the perp just prior to this shooting. I feel bad for the brown family, the cop who was cleared not by the police BUT BY A GRAND JURY and the community.
I have discussed this situation back from the beginning on an extremely liberal forum and it has been quite fascinating. I am one of those people that does have faith in the system although sometimes maybe too much faith
WE ARE A COUNTRY OF LAWS! They made thier decision. Let it rest! Why make it a racial problem? We could go on and on about it.
What gives anyone the right to destroy property in protest?