96 later this week !
Yep... and it's beautiful when it's like that. Humidity is the killer. I remember a typical 90 degree day in SoCal was 20% or less... and it felt great. 90 deg in PA will have 60% or higher... and it's miserable.
Well... I got out of the shop at 3:10 pm... and stopped by the post office to drop off all my boxes, and headed home. It's nice and cool here.
AC is an amazing thing these days!
:stupid: Friggin spammmmmmmmmmers
Yeah i feel your pain, this string of 95+ degree days is killing me. We have been getting killed at the firehouse and its waaaay too freaking hot to be wearing 50 lbs of gear.
That reminds me of a story...
When I was back in college... we had a "Welcome Back" bon-fire. (This was school run, and was about 3 stories tall) Well... this particular Autumn, it was hot. We had a 87 degree day, with high humidity. Once the fire was lit... no one wanted to be close to it, but everyone wanted a Smore'. So, my buddy was on the school fire dept. and he went and got his fire gear on. He basically had his head in the fire... and had about 30 marshmallow's in the fire at a time. Every time I came out... he would pull of his helmet, and he was totally soaked with sweat. BUT... people would make him put his helmet back on, and cook more marshmallow's.
did it get him laid or not?
"Mr. Plow that's my name, that name again is Mr. Plow" You've got all the cool toys.
"Mr. Plow that's my name, that name again is Mr. Plow" You've got all the cool toys.