Exhaust clamp fails on starboard and port engine now only idles

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Nathan Mayo

More 717 weirdness from my '97 Speedster...........It was a checkout run after having a remanufactured SBT put in starboard spot. For about 45 minutes all was well and then there was a loud noise from the right motor. It was still running, but sounded like something let go inside, so I shut it off. Then I discovered that the left engine (which had been running fine) would not go past an idle. I was barely able to limp back to the dock, but I made it.

Thinking the worst I hauled it to my local trusted Seadoo dealer yesterday and was greatly relieved when the service manager pointed out that the clamp holding the exhaust boot onto the exhaust/muffler was loose and the two had separated. I want to get out of this cheap. Is it possible that this would cause a fuel flow problem that would explain the #2 engine not running right?

I am itching to hear your thoughts.....Thanks !
If the exhaust was leaking the engine was just choking on the exhaust. It will not run right without getting fresh air.
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