

Active Member
G'day all
This may be a bit of a silly question but with the prices of the Epirbs here in aus I'm wondering if I was to buy one from overseas for less $$ would it work if activated, I know they run off a GPS signal but is there anything the manufactures do to stop people from buying overseas?
Honestly, I didn't know what an Epirib was so I looked it up. Amazon has several, looks like they start at about $250.00 and up. Since it works on a GPS signal, I wouldn't see any reason it wouldn't work any where in the world. I ride in a small lake with pretty good cel. phone coverage, I also have a marine radio, so this doesn't interest me, but I can see if you do ocean riding why you would want one of these.

Here's what I found on Amazon. If I can help procure this for you let me know.


Cheers Lou
Just had a look at those amazon ones seems they are just as pricey as they are here,.
I mainly do ocean riding hence is why I'm leaning towards a Epirb even though I'm not planning a 10 mile offshore trip we like to do a bit of fishing and such plus the new council laws here have pushed the jetskiers 200 meters off shore lines as well I know that don't sound like much but there be some big jaws in these here waters :). I might keep looking around a bit.
There is two different satellite systems used. That said, this would not be an issue as they allow emergency devices to work with either. I somewhat recently was involved with an EPIRB that was triggered in a non-emergency case where an individual traveled to Canada, got mad at the others they were with, set it off as she figured she could get a ride. Well, she got a ride after the Mounties tracked the signal to their cabin. Her ride was from the cabin to jail. My point is, they work everywhere from what I understand. The registration aspect is important. They make phone calls the moment they get a signal and try to confirm many things prior to the search. So give good POC when you register the device ID.
Cheers Coastiejoe
I was kinda thinking some where along those lines of the satellites just wasn't sure and being the only connection I have atm is on my phone with not much of a data allowance.
I'm looking around to see what sort of devices are out there at the moment without having to spend massive $$.
I bet that girl felt like a complete idiot ehh what a silly thing to do, I knew there are massive fines if you set one off for no reason which is fair enough. My friends one was set off here on a boat he sold, the buyer never re-registered it and he ( my friend ) got a call after the boat came to shore as a ghost ship sadly to say 1 person lost their life that nite, nothing to do with the boat mechanical wise was newbie boaters who should have never been on the waters in the sort of conditions as the sea was.
Better than wrecking your own boat...

The end of the story for the EPIRB girl gets VERY lengthy. It cost her her military career.. This is not the sole reason why, but it was the final straw.
Just goes to show there are Idiots everywhere! I see them every day working on an Ambulance! Then you watch them launch boats or PWC. I am surprised I have not have to dive off a Ski to keep someones unconscious face out of the water.
Being an Ambulance worker these kind of people are nothing more than job security,,,

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SeaDoo Rescue

This came out a few years ago, I haven't heard much about it since, but it sure would put the fun back into Rescue!



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I had a partner that worked in Miami. Rode a GTI with a platform built behind the first seat section. Eight hours a day riding just out past all the swimmers.
Actually Lou that was unveiled in April this year. Someone posted an article on it. Or just Google for it. I think it looks burly.

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Well that one looks like it could do some damage on the waves. But I also agree with Coastiejoe looks like a model of the spark .