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Engine Vibration Nuts falling off

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New Member
I had this problem last year when I ran my ski, but wanted to know if I need to pull it all out and rebuild the whole enchalada. When it runs the mounting bolts keep falling off, as well as the exhaust bolts. (not at the head but where they connect both pipes together).

Does any one have any idea what may be causing the vibration. I would appreciate any input you could give.
Nuts falling off???

Put some loctite on the bolts to stop them coming out.... as for your 'NUTS'.... well i think you may have to see "doctor" about that one!!!!:rofl:

Make sure the rubber bushing/s and washer/s on the lower part of the exhaust system are in good shape. If they are worn it will allow excessive vibration and cause nuts and bolts to come loose (sometimes break) on the upper part of the exhaust system. And yes, use loctite.
Also, did you rebuild the motor before? If so, did you install the counterbalance shaft properly?

No I havent rebuilt the motor, and I tried some loc-tite and I ended up with the same results. I used blue and red let the ski sit over night. When I took it out, we ran for about an hour, and went back to the dock to check it out. Looked in the hull and the bolts were out again. Its not just the exhaust bolts, but the engine mounting bolts as well. Im getting ready to start working on this thing again, but Im not sure where to start.
Any good ideas for this???
wow...thats wild, has the motor ever been out, reason, think'n it not aligned properly..for it to receive that much vibration to throw-up all those bolts. Any motor mounts broke?

No broken motor mounts, and I Have never had the motor out of the ski. The mount on the the upper exhaust connector was cracked. There are three bolts and one mounted bolt that receives a nut instead of a bolt to secure the upper exhaust manifold. On the exhaust manifold that has the female recepticle got cracked because the nut stayed on while the bolts vibrated out and caused the piece to crack off due to vibration. We had the part welded. It looks pretty good and seemed to hold. We put it all back together and ran it, but had the same results, all the bolts came back out. I just can't see what is causing the vibration?
This isn't the explanation but might cure the problem. Cut strips off an inner tube and sandwich them between the motor and mounts. Now, I will get bagged on because I'm somewhat new to the Seadoo thing and don't even know if they're rubber mounted. I'm a bit more offroad bike orientated so that's my thinking on it.

The other option that comes to mind is take a center punch and put a small ping at the point the outer threads meet the nuts (it might hurt if you take the wrong way). Of course, still "ping" so you can still remove nuts.

These are crude solutions, and I plan on getting beat up in future replies but they might just get rid of the problem.
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