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Engine revs like crazy when started

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I have a 1997 Sea Doo GSI that i've been working on. It had a bit of a hesitation when first accelerating from a stop and I have the gray fuel lines so I decided I would clean the carb. (I haven't replaced the gray fuel lines yet - that will be next) I removed the carb, took it apart, and cleaned it. I removed the internal filter and it was clogged with sludge. I cleaned the sludge out. I was very careful to keep everything in tact and as It was when I pulled it apart. I put the carb back on and fired it up and the engine revs uncontrollably - I have to pull the lanyard out to keep it from over revving. It heads over 5000 RPM and increases. I figured I had an intake leak causing a lean run condition so I pulled the carb off, cleaned all of the gasket off the intake, scuffed up the intake, pulled the carb back apart to recheck, everything was in order. I reinstalled the carb and it did the exact same thing. (I am using the original carb to intake gasket) I made sure my fuel lines are in the correct spot, I cleaned the inline fuel filter and made sure the o-ring was in tact. One thing I did notice is when I pulled the carb off, the oil pump lever swung all the way around so there was no spring tension on it. I swung it back around until I had spring tension again. Can this cause a high idle? I don't know where else to look. It was running and idling fine before the carb cleaning. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I have a 99GTX just cleaned and rebuilt carbs. It did the same thing as you described. It was sucking air at the base of the PTO carb.
It has to be sucking air somewhere around the base of the carbs. I would get a new gasket. Good luck
Can you use RTV under the existing gasket to seal it up better? I don't have a Sea Doo dealer near me and to order it online would take several days. I want to take these out on Monday.
I completely removed the gasket, cleaned the carb side and installed RTV on both sides. I also backed off the idle screw. I put it back together, let it sit for a couple hours and fired it up. It's fixed! Thanks for your help! :hurray:
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