Drive up on the beach and function display on rxp?

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New Member
Helo; i have a quick queston can you driv up on the beach if it´s nice sand, or take the body take hurt? And have RXP-06 a functionscenter and a trim kit that you can switch after person length and weight? Or is it just some models?:):)

Please proof read your post. I'm not really sure of what your asking. I know that there are models that have trims that adjust to the weight, if your asking that of your model? And beaching the Doo', I don't recommend it only because you'll be sucking sand into your open loop system. If you kill the power a few feet before actually hitting sand, you'll do less harm.......

its never a good idea to beach... Especially with the newer craft that has had a reputation for delamination.

you will cause imperfections in the fiberglass and hairline cracks. on the older (SLOWER) skis this wasnt a problem. Now with the faster 70+ MPH skis the water pressure forcing its way into and between the Glass will eventually cause delamination.

(Delamination) When you are hauling but... and the bottom of the ski seperates from the hull. leaving raw fiberglass and allowing water to soak in and fill the hull. generally starts with 5-6 inch wide strips that tear off the hull. :( bad news.
The VTS stands for variable trim settings. It allows you to adjust the nozzle to different adjustments to help plane off your seadoo and to keep from porpoising.
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