Drive Shaft Misalignment XP

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New Member
Hey guys, long time looker first time user. But the problem i have i can't find the answer to.
I own a SeaDoo XP 2000 that has caused me nothing but grief in the short time that i have owned it.

I firstly broke the engine off it's mounts and the local dealer replaced all mounts, replaced both couplers and drive rubber aswell as re aligning the motor. And have only done around 4 hours on it.

Only today i replaced the jetpump housing that contained a new impeller and wear ring that was installed into the housing by the dealer, i simply just fitted the pump housing.

Well here is the problem, i went out after installing the housing and the Ski ran great (for about 15 mins) then the noise came back, so i stopped straight away. When i inspected the engine compartment i found that the engine coupler and drive shaft coupler were no longer aligned correctly and there was no cush drive rubber to be found, it had completly chewed out both couplers and has put a hole in the fuel tank.

I spoke to the dealer immediately and he said that it was my fault cause i did not align the pump housing correctly, which i found this hard to believe when it simply just slides into position and there was no forcing, and as it is a 2-piece drive shaft how did i create the problem at the front of the ski?

But i came to the conclusion that he did not align the motor correctly the first time he replaced the engine mounts ( 4 hours ago ). Therefore it has slowly chewed the drive rubber out and now coincidently has disengadged/smashed the drive couplers.
Would this be a correct assesment of what could of happened or was it my fault. It is just coincidental that it happened the same day i installed the pump housing ?????:confused:
Please HELP ME!
Cheers guys,
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Their fault.....

I just looked at your set up. This is the first time I've seen this configuration and the first time I've heard of this problem. Please go to the attached link and tell me what part numbers are destroyed. From what your saying, if I read and understand it correctly, this seems like it was their fault. If your talking about anything from parts list number 25 and back to the motor.....that's their fault.
Most of the drive systems have just the straight shaft, #11 that lead into the PTO, so when aligning the motor, the pump hosing is required to be fitted and shimed if necessary to the hull, in order to align the engine. The type set-up you have, doesn't seem like so. Because of the part #25. If the shop aligned everything, with the pump on and you just took it off to repair somthing and put it back the same way, then you shouldn't be facing this problem. If they were paid to repair engine mounts and align the shaft (which would be inlcluded in the mount replacement), then apparantly, they made a mistake on the alignment and like all big business, putting the burden on you. Because for you to take it to court, they know they'd probably win. They have the $50,000 to pay a big lawyer. You don't. That's how big business works.........who's got the money?
Sorry for your misfortune. If I were you, I'd be nice, go see the person responsibile (management) in regards to the mistake that it appears they obvously made and try to work something out.
IF not, I'd go to the court house, ask for a permit to pickett, then I'd walk up and down the street where their business is located, wearing a sign that stated something like, "I got screwed"......, you can't make a "factual" statement on your billboard, they might take you to court for slander. But if you picketed their business with a billboard that said, "I got screwed".....I bet by the second day, someone would be willing to talk to you.
I did it at a transmission shop, it worked for me!..........
Good luck!...............:cheers:
Thanks For the Replies !

Well thats a bit of relief after a night of tossing and turning.
Sorry SeadooSnipe I can not see your link you are talking about.
I checked out the manual i have and the parts destroyed are as listed:
(part numbers as per my manual)
1. Flywheel
2. Snap Bushing
3. Rubber Adapter
31. Flywheel Gaurd
28. Drive Shaft Front
And whatever number the petrol tank is!

I can't see into the housing were both drive shafts meet, but at the front of the drive shaft it still seems to be bedded into the Rear driveshaft Coupler. i.e Its not sloppy like it is broken back there or even fallen out.

I guess i will just have to wait for the argument when he pulls it apart.
But if you are confident it is an alignment issue, ill take it all the way :reddevil:


Keep up the great work, Great Site !
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Sorry, I forgot to attach the link. I can basically understand what you saying in the above post, but look at the picture in the link and let me know what parts. I feel pretty certain I already know, as stated in my other post. But look at this exploded view Then, give me a shout with what you find damaged. What else is weird, those rubber couplers.....they are suppose to take up any small about of vibration due to, for me, I'm thinking this is a case of shotty workmanship.........

From what I see in my head of the procedure for the shop to replace and align your motor, it should have not one damn thing to do with you doing any work on the pump. Like you said, there are 4 bolts on it, that are fixed coming through the hull. You cannot change the side to side measurements on that. If there were shim, which most of the time, there isn't, then I'm sure, you'd have noticed that when you pulled the pump.
Big business!.............Oh, don't let me get on my soap box.
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Thanks For the Fast Response

I just opened an inspection flap on the Middle housing and can see that both the rear shaft and the front shaft are still perfectly aligned and that the drive rubber still looks 100%.
As for realigning the jet pump housing, you are correct. There were no shims and it was a flush fit straight up to the hull and onto the exposed spline on the rear drive shaft.
On the drawing you gave me the part numbers are as follows:
22. spigot
23. Cush drive rubber
15. Housing cover
19. Front drive shaft coupler (Front one only)
7. Driveshaft ( would now have to be checked for runout as it could have been bent due to what has happened? Possible? )
Flywheel which isn't numberd.

So do you think i have a case to fight for then.
Keep in mind, im a motorcycle mechanic, so i have a mechanical mind how these things go together. So i didn't just slap it together hoping for the best.
Thanks Buddy have a case...

If you have your receipts....keep them. From looking at your parts damaged, there is no way you could have caused this by just removing the pump and checking the oil, etc......or whatever, and putting it back on.

Because I'm no lawyer and therefore, not qualified to give legal advice, it's up to you. But if this were me, I'd go back to that shop, with a printout of that drawing you looked at from Babbitts, and point out to that supervisor that, from the opinion of another mechanic, this damage was obviously caused by mis-alignment of the motor mount other words, talk the talk that you know your smart enought to understand (you knew they were at fault before you made the post) and in a nice way, ask them if they would consider looking into the possibility of their installation of these parts being mis-aligned, causing the damage. You paid good money for them not to stand behind their work.....!..........then, if your results are the same, I think I'd pay the $50 bucks or so for a consultation with a lawyer and see what he has to say. If you file suit, include that the company responsible for this, also is sued to pay your legal fees.........Remember, I'm not recommending or advocating this action. I'm not qualified to do that. You have to decide this. But if it were me, I wouldn't be bending over for them to shaft me, that's for sure!........:rant:
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