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dont run right!!!

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hey just took doo down to ramp for first water test left on trailer fired up fine left choke about half for a few then went to play with throttle ski kept falling on face had to play with choke to keep going got to full throttle shut choke off ski started to loose power until i pull choke again whats going on do i need carb cleaning ???
also if i need to clean carbs how can i get them off without taking the actuall carb bolts out because they r screwed up they are tighter then s**t and i already stripped the center out tried the 12mm thing and i tried someother socket from craftsman just cant get them off dont want to take motor out is there anyother way ???PLEASE HELP..
Hey nick. The only true way to clean the carbs is to get them off and take them apart. There are small internal filters in there that will clog up from time to time. I would do a whole fuel system cleaning. Start with the lines, if they are the gray ones replace them with black fuel kine hose form an auto parts place. From there clean out the big inline filter and also take apart the fuel selector switch and clean it out real good.

My carb bolts where hard to get off the first time as well. Just be pateince and thorough and don't strip anything out, try some penetrating lube to loosen them up.
yes iv got a same issue

iv got an sp 96,spray the carb without uninstalling and when i have a ride, had a problem on full throttle ,then i take carb a part, cleaned and rebuilt it and its worst now,when i trying full throttle, its like you start the jet ski engine and leave it to run without holding the accelerator:confused:
and another question ,can i use 95 or 97 octane petrol for my jetski ?
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